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“Fog? No worries. It’s Friday night and we’re out on the water!” Come fog, rain or shine, beer can racing is an ideal antidote for the stresses of the workaday world.
Despite what the mainstream media — who consistently display their ignorance of all things nautical — would have you believe, the crew on the 60-ft eco-cat Plastiki were not rescued off the coast of Australia this weekend.
The all-conquering Horizon crew, clockwise from top left: Jason Adamson, Tom O’Keefe, Peter Kornhaber, John Berry, Robert Plant, navigator Jon Shampain, skipper Jack Taylor, Erik Shampain.
Expedition leader David de Rothschild hopes the Plastiki Expedition will encourage people to really think about their plastic usage.
The attack on Danish-born American sailor Bo Kjaer-Olsen last month in Panama — which led to his death — left many who’ve enjoyed trouble-free cruising in that Central American country wondering what might have motivated Kjaer-Olsen’s five assailants.
“C’mon, guys. Raccoon Strait is for babies — let’s go to the Farallones!”
During our recent trip to Tahiti, few cruisers we spoke to were keeping up with the mind-numbing headlines back home.
“Look ma, I’m sailing!” A new recruit blasts across the Paradise Cay lagoon, adjacent to Tiburon YC.
The spread of the Pac Cup Fleet.
© 2010 Pacific Cup
With much of fleet either past or approaching the half-way point, the fickle breeze that all but Thursday’s starters experienced in their first few days at sea must be forgotten.
Imagine how you’d feel if you’d spent five years and a small fortune in pursuit of becoming the first person to solo circumnavigate the North Pole, only to be turned back midway by inflexible bureaucrats.
In the Race Notes located in the Racing Sheet in the July issue of Latitude 38, we brought you the news that the RC 44s will be having their first ever American event in Miami in December.
Al Germain sailed into Hanalei aboard his WylieCat 30 Bandicoot 19 days after the race’s start – but only 15 days after he restarted the race.
We’re happy to report that the PDQ 32 catamaran Catalyst, which flipped last week in heavy weather and eventually drifted, upside down, into a reef-fringed North Coast ‘doghole’, has been successfully rescued and righted.
Chip Megeath’s R/P 45 Criminal Mischief powers away from the line and into the lead in Division E.
For cruisers visiting French Polynesia, struggling to learn a little French is hard enough, but trying to master the pronounciation of locally-used Polynesian words is even trickier.
Looking relatively unscathed after her offshore ordeal, Catalyst now idles in a tiny North Coast doghole.
The Satellite Tracker for the ’10 Pacific Cup shows that Trunk Monkey has taken advantage of a freshening breeze to become the closest boat to Hawaii.
If you’re one of those Americans who has always dreamed of cruising to Cuba, in part because the U.S.
Solo circumnavigator Mike Harker of the Manhattan Beach-based Hunter 49 Wanderlust 3 reports that he’s recovering nicely from the terrible beating he received from two thieves who boarded his boat in Simpson Lagoon in the middle of St.
BMW Oracle Racing and the Golden Gate YC announced today that San Francisco Bay is the only American venue under consideration to host the 34th match for the America’s Cup.
Adrian Johnson looked fresh as a plumeria when he crossed the line aboard his Olson 30 Idefix on Saturday.
Robb Walker and Rowena Carlson’s Nozomi and Paul Disario and Tony Porche’s Plus Sixteen rumble off the Cityfront on Monday.
Bay Area sailor Kristy Lugert and her two male crewmen were rescued by US Coast Guard resources Saturday, after their 32-ft catamaran Catalyst capsized in extreme conditions, roughly 20 miles west of Fort Bragg.
In yesterday’s special ‘Lectronic, we reported that solo circumnavigator Mike Harker of the Manhatten Beach-based Hunter 49 Wanderlust 3 had been savagely beaten just before dawn by two thieves while anchored off Martinique.
Nearby cruisers responded immediately to Harker’s signals for help.
Wanderlust 3
©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Mike Harker, who started sailing with the 2000 Ha-Ha, and later did mostly singlehanded passages from Florida to Europe, Europe to the South Pacific, the South Pacific to California, followed by an 11-month singlehanded circumnavigation, reports he was brutally beaten aboard his Hunter 49 Wanderlust 3 while anchored at St.
©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Mike Harker, who started sailing with the 2000 Ha-Ha, and later did mostly singlehanded passages from Florida to Europe, Europe to the South Pacific, the South Pacific to California, followed by an 11-month singlehanded circumnavigation, reports he was brutally beaten aboard his Hunter 49 Wanderlust 3 while anchored at St.
The crane might have been a little overkill for a 2,000 lb. Moore 24, but it helped Gilles Combrisson and Mark English get Numa Boa to the lake on time.
Danish-American sailor Bond "Bo" Olsen, 61, died of a gunshot wound to his leg Tuesday, after being attacked by four men aboard his boat, Antares, which was anchored off Bajo Pipón Island in the Gulf of Chiriqui, on Panama’s Pacific coast.
“Extra, extra, read all about it. . .”
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Looking for the perfect excuse to put off doing your household chores during the long holiday weekend?
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Looking for the perfect excuse to put off doing your household chores during the long holiday weekend?
If there’s one thing we’ve learned during our three decades of interviewing sailors in far-flung destinations, it’s that first impressions don’t always clue you in to the whole story.
As of yesterday, there were 122 boats signed up and paid up for this fall’s Baja Ha-Ha rally.
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