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David Crosby’s schooner Mayan sailing off Southern California. Yachtworld
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC One of the prettiest classic yachts on the West Coast is up for sale, and she comes with an interesting provenance.
Malcolm Robertson, 64, was murdered by young pirates in Thailand. His wife Linda, 57, survived her ordeal with minor injuries.
Some people don’t believe that the South Tower Demon exists. They explain those instant changes in wind direction and velocity — which often cause nearby boats to spin out and momentarily head right toward the tower — by spouting lame ‘facts’ based on supposed real-world physics.
The Left Coast Lifter will soon be put to work on the new Bay Bridge.
Ericsson 3 (orange), Ericsson 4 (white), Puma (red), and © 2009 Volvo Ocean Race What was only a 50-mile lead yesterday has doubled as Ericsson 3 leads the pack toward Rio in the Volvo Ocean Race.
The search has been suspended for an unidentified man who fell out of a dinghy near Richmond’s Marina Bay last night.
With just under a month until the start of Strictly Sail Pacific, exhibitors received a letter yesterday explaining that the show will no longer be the only all-sailing boat show on the West Coast.
Monohulls, multihulls, and powerboats alike mingled to raise money for local kids’ charities in the Pirates for Pupils Run.
Vitesse Too gets a tow home. latitude/JR
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Grant Hayes and crew Bill Schwob were about halfway back to from the Lightship when they heard the dreaded ‘bang’.
In one of those odd twists of fate, last week a ship lost 31 containers in a storm off eastern Australia — and was itself damaged by one of them!
The rumors have been floating around for a while. Now it’s official: the lease for Anderson’s Boatyard in Sausalito was not renewed, and this fall, Keefe-Kaplan Maritime, Inc.
Have you ever actually been in an inflated liferaft? If you’d come by Wednesday night’s Spring Crew List Party, you’d have had the chance, thanks to Sal’s Inflatables.
Within 48 hours of announcing the Delta Doo Dah in March 4’s ‘Lectronic, all 30 available spots in this first annual fun rally to the Delta were spoken for.
The crew on Liberté took advantage of this weekend’s gorgeous weather to get out for a daysail.
Rich Wilson sailed into the record books once again as the second American to finish the Vendee Globe Race when he sailed into Les Sables d’Olonne yesterday afternoon.
It’s not exactly off Mexico in this photo, but we’re pretty sure that Chip Megeath’s Tiburon-based R/P 45 Criminal Mischief took Class B honors in the Newport Beach to Cabo San Lucas Race.
More than a month of violence on the Caribbean islands of Guadaloupe and Martinique seems to be heading toward resolution.
John Cota, the pilot aboard the 901-ft Cosco Busan when it hit the Bay Bridge on November 7, 2007, pleaded guilty last week to negligently causing the discharge of 53,000 gallons of oil into the Bay and to violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act by causing the deaths of thousands of birds.
Every marina has them — neglected boats covered with green gunge and bottoms so foul that they could be declared their own ecosystems.
We had a feeling folks would be eager to join our inaugural Delta Doo Dah — the laid-back rally to the Delta that we announced in the March issue of Latitude 38 and in Wednesday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude — but the response has been tremendous!