Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy
Regarding the letter about Clipper Cove in the August issue of Latitude 38, I definitely agree there’s plenty of space in the anchorage. The ‘unattended’ boat issue is more about aesthetics than space — at this point anyway.
I was anchored there this past weekend on my C&C 37 Liberty and counted about 15 boats that appeared to be unattended — a few in good repair, a half dozen looking like no one had been aboard in a long time, and another half dozen that look fully abandoned and in bad shape. They certainly didn’t slow us down from having a great time. It was Delta warm on Saturday — to the point that the swimming was great!
Lori Says ‘Thanks for the Help’

Bay racer Lori Lombardo has plenty of time these days to replay the recent boating accident which has laid her up with a broken leg. But she still has no idea how the mishap occured.
Shortly after completing the Encinal YC’s 2nd Half Opener, Lori was walking back to Henry King’s boat, Jeanette: "The next minute I was in the water between two docks," recalls Lori. At least three or four people close by grabbed me and pulled me up out of the water, laid me out on the dock where I was writhing in pain. A woman, who said she was a nurse, was there almost instantly, and someone else was tending to my bleeding foot. They took very good care of me while we waited for the ambulance." For the record, she had not been drinking.
With all the excitement, Lori didn’t catch the names of any of the good samaritans who helped her, but she hopes they’ll get in touch with her via email so she can thank them personally.
With a stainless steel plate and five screws helping her bones to heal, and "lots of love and attention from friends and family," Lori hopes to be out racing again soon.
Ha-Ha Preview Party

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Been thinking of doing the Ha-Ha but want to know what it’s really all about? Done a Ha-Ha and want to reminisce with old friends? Then stop by the Baja Ha-Ha Preview and Reunion at Two Harbors on Catalina this Saturday from 5-9 p.m. at the bandstand. It’s a great opportunity to meet the volunteer crew and other Ha-Ha’ers in advance, plus the slide show and Q&A session will give you all the info you need to know about the Ha-Ha. Besides, it’s a really good excuse to get your boat out of the slip and over to the island!
The Week in Racing

It was a pretty sweet weekend for sailing on the Bay, and fortunately there were some great regattas to take advantage of it. On the Cityfront, St. Francis YC hosted the Aldo Alessio Regatta, which also functioned as the West Coast IRC Championship. The regatta featured everything from well-sailed, off-the-shelf production boats to Bill Turpin’s R/P 75 Akela. The Vanguard 15s held their PCCs at Treasure Island Sailing Center. Southern California’s Andy Beeckman teamed up with the Bay Area’s Linda Stephan to win the regatta by one point over Ken Turnbull and Rebecca Beard.
The Snipe Nationals hosted by Richmond YC are going on this week. With heavy hitters like Augie Diaz, Doug Hart, Gavin O’Hare, and George Szabo, what the 35-boat fleet lacks in size, is made up for in depth. The class traditionally holds its Junior Nationals immediately prior to the main event, won this year by Nick Voss and Tom Fink with three bullets in five races. Carolina Palacios and Rogelio Padron took the Special Junior divison.
Coming up this weekend, there’s the 505 PCCs at StFYC, San Francisco YC’s Summer Keel regatta Tiburon YC’s Joan Storer Regatta, The OYRA Lightship 2 starting from Golden Gate YC, and the HDA and ODCA Fall 1, at RYC. Encinal YC is hosting its Gracie & George Regatta and the Bay View BC has its Round the Rock, while Oakland YC is hosting the Schreiber Cup and the South Bay YRA Summer #4 is also going on. Remember that if, like us, you’re having trouble keeping this all straight, the 2008 Northern California Sailing Calendar and YRA Master Schedule is a handy resource.
Lost Your Dinghy?
Officer Mark Hedeen of the San Rafael Police Department emailed asking for help in locating the owner of a small inflatable dinghy that washed up on Red Rock several weeks ago. "It’s very new and I’m sure the owner would like to have it back," Hedeen reported. He says the dinghy is a 9-ft grey Zodiac with an electric motor. If you think it’s your dinghy, or may know who it belongs to, leave a message for Officer Hedeen at (415) 485-3000. And be sure to email LaDonna a photo of the reunion — we’re suckers for happy endings.