Which Light Is Right?

©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
A new batch of cruisers is currently preparing to head south in the fall. But while they are busy installing every new-fangled gadget and gizmo available, we wonder how many are taking the time to bone up on the basics.
Even longtime sailors get a little rusty on the Rules of the Road from time to time — especially when it comes to vessel lighting. This fact was obvious during last year’s Baja Ha-Ha cruisers rally, as several boats were spotted with improper — and even downright weird — light configurations. Realistically, you might not ever get cited for improper lighting by a maritime authority, but you could confuse the heck out of other mariners, both large and small. And if an accident occurs when you are out of compliance with the Rules, you could be blamed. So here’s a little refresher.
First, every skipper should keep a copy of the International and Inland Rules of the Road handy in their nav area. You never know when you might want to look something up, if only to confirm that your memory is serving you correctly when you’re sleep deprived. Plus, it’s required for vessels over 39.4 feet (12 meters) in inland waters.

The most commonly seen taboos on the Ha-Ha were running both masthead tricolor and deck level running lights at the same time. This is a problem because under the Rules of the Road, red over red indicates a vessel "not under command." To remember this, merchant marine cadets use the mnemonic "Red over red, the captain is dead." Consequently, it’s illegal to run both your deck lights and masthead tricolor at the same time. Similarly, if a sailboat were to run a tricolor, deck lights and a steaming light, vessels viewing its port side would see red over white over red which indicates a "vessel restricted in its ability to maneuver."
Likewise, green over white (a masthead tricolor and steaming light viewed from starboard) could be confused for a fishing boat engaged in trawling: "Green over white, trawling tonight." So when you’re motoring or motorsailing at night you must run your deck lights in combination with your steaming light, not your tricolor. Masthead tricolors, by the way, are only legal on boats less than 20 meters (65 feet).

©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC
One of the most unusual combinations reported, red over green over green (viewed from starboard), actually turns out to be a proper option for sailboats under sail: All-around red over all-around green at the masthead, over deck-level running lights. To our knowledge, Dr. Lou Freeman’s San Diego-based Swan 52 Seabird was the only boat to display this combo, but he was perfectly correct to do so. The mnemonic for this one is "Red over green, sailing machine." It’s rarely seen on the West Coast, but commonly seen on big sailing yachts in the Caribbean and the Med.
As every merchant mariner will tell you, keeping the myriad light combinations straight is a challenge. But it’s especially tough if you don’t often sail at night. So we suggest picking up a plasticized cheat sheet on light patterns, and keep it close to the helm. And spend some time pouring through the Rules of the Road — you’ll probably be amazed at all the things you don’t know, but should.