Salty Tales & Historical Insights

The Sausalito Historical Society is hosting an evening full of sea stories told by some of Marin’s most experienced sailors. Next Tuesday evening, January 28, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Ondine restaurant, attendees will be regaled with true tales about sailboat racing and cruising, Sausalito’s historic waterfront, famous yachts, their journeys and the notable people who sailed on them.
Exceptional local sailors Tony Badger, Mary Crowley, Hank Easom, Bill Martinelli, and Alan Olson have spent their careers plying the waters of San Francisco Bay and oceans beyond. They’ll talk about Sausalito’s historic wooden boat building facilities and how business changed with the advent of fiberglass. They’ll also share unique insights into what it was like, for example, to sail aboard the famous German pilot schooner, Wanderbird, and David Crosby’s beautiful Alden-designed, Mayan. Cruisers won’t want to miss the tale of the yacht that sailed into Argentina on the eve of that country’s 1976 revolution. It’s pretty rare to have all these folks together in one room, and one can only imagine the tales they will tell.
Complimentary light hors d’oeuvres and sparkling wine will be served and there will be a no-host bar. The Sausalito Historical Society will also hold a raffle for numerous dining certificates, massages, and a cruise on schooner Freda B, among other items. Entry for Society members is $45 and $50 for non-members. Please call for early reservations as space is limited.
Visit the Society’s History Room on the top floor of City Hall, call 415-289-4117, visit the Society’s website or send a check to SHS, PO Box 352, Sausalito, CA 94966.