Episode #44: Captain Anne McIntyre on the Life of a Bar Pilot
Welcome back to Latitude 38’s podcast, Good Jibes! In this podcast, we’re bringing you the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast Sailor. Each week, you’ll hear stories and tips from the West Coast sailing community on cruising, racing and just plain sailing. Cast off, laugh and learn, and become a better sailor. Hosted by John Arndt, Nicki Bennett, Ryan Foland, and the team at Latitude 38 – the sailing magazine for West Coast sailors since 1977!
This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by Captain Anne McIntyre to chat being a bar pilot pioneer and navigating dangerous waters and challenges. Anne is the Business Director of the San Francisco Bar Pilots and was the first woman bar pilot on the Columbia River – containing some of the most difficult passages you’ll find.
Hear how to work smartly and safely in a dangerous environment, become a bar pilot, learn to lead from behind, the hardest part of navigating megaships, and what’s going on in the navigation bridge when you hear the danger signal.
This episode covers everything from bar pilots to life lessons. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- Did Anne have any childhood experiences that prepared her for life in the maritime industry?
- What does a Deck Officer do?
- How did Anne learn the Columbia River?
- Did she ever have any experiences that scared or unsettled her?
- What major injury did she have?
- Why did she go back to graduate school?
- Is she responsible for taking care of the boats as well?
- Short Tacks: What’s the most important lesson she’s learned in her professional career?
Learn more about Anne on LinkedIn and SFBarPilots.com.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!
Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Captain Anne McIntyre on the Life of a Bar Pilot
- [0:21] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:27] Moe Roddy
- [0:46] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [0:59] Learn more about Anne on LinkedIn and SFBarPilots.com
- [1:48] Where did Anne grow up?
- [2:08] What boat did she have?
- [3:02] Catalina Island, Channel Islands
- [3:27] How was Anne’s junior sailing program?
- [4:07] Did she have any childhood experiences that prepared her for life in the maritime industry?
- [5:16] How was her time at UC Irvine?
- [5:45] What made her want to have a career in the maritime industry?
- [8:42] Chevron
- [10:01] What does a Deck Officer do?
- [11:06] What was it like to be one of the only women on a ship?
- [12:04] What’s the farthest passage Anne’s been on?
- Bar Pilots
- [12:54] What do bar pilots do?
- [14:01] Is the Columbia River one of the most dangerous bodies of water on the planet?
- [15:12] How did Anne learn the Columbia River?
- [16:32] How many years did it take her to get qualified?
- [17:12] Did she ever have any experiences that scared or unsettled her?
- [18:31] Did she have to climb rope ladders to enter megaships?
- [20:27] What major injury did she have?
- [21:31] COVID-19
- [22:41] What do you see when you’re on the deck of a megaship?
- [25:32] What’s going on in the bridge when you hear the 5 short blasts?
- [26:48] Why did Anne go back to graduate school?
- [28:31] What does she do as Business Director of the San Francisco Bar Pilots?
- [29:31] Is she responsible for taking care of the boats as well?
- [30:04] Summer Sailstice is on June 18, 2022! Sign up & join the fun at www.SummerSailstice.com
- Sailing
- [30:48] Does Anne sail in her time off?
- [31:46] What’s her favorite boat design?
- [32:43] Has she done any chartering?
- [33:32] Is her dad still alive?
- Short Tacks
- [34:02] Tom Crean by Michael Smith
- [34:52] Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner
- [35:27] If it could be anyone, who would Anne have coffee or tea with?
- [36:24] What’s the most important lesson she’s learned in her professional career?
- [38:30] What’s a lesson she’s learned from sailing?
- [39:41] Who’s inspired her most in her life?
- [40:20] If she could turn back time and talk to her 18-year-old self, what would she tell her?
- [40:42] What’s one question she wishes Moe asked?
- [42:38] Learn more about Anne on LinkedIn and SFBarPilots.com
- [42:42] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [42:50] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
- [42:53] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [42:58] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
- [43:01] Check out the June 2022 issue of Latitude 38
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS
Thanks for listening to Captain Anne McIntyre & Moe Roddy on Good Jibes with Latitude 38. Subscribe here to receive Latitude 38 to your home each month.