Episode #128: Marie Rogers on the DEI Gap in Sailing
This week’s host John Arndt is joined by award-winning sailor Marie Rogers to chat about diversity in sailing. Marie is a US Sailing Board Member, the Staff Commodore of the Los Angeles Yacht Club (LAYC), and the Founder of her nonprofit, Offshore Racing Outreach (ORO).
Hear how she learned to sail as an adult, what changed the trajectory of her sailing career, when she realized the lack of diversity in the sport, her mission to introduce sailing to people from all backgrounds, and her best advice for fellow sailors.
This episode covers everything from diversity to sailing school. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear:
- How did Marie overcome standing on the sidelines as a parent?
- What is Offshore Racing Outreach?
- How do we empower more women to sail?
- What’s next for Marie’s boat?
- How do we inspire people from diverse backgrounds to sail?
- Port vs. Starboard
- How has Marie’s experience been at U.S. Sailing?
- Short Tacks: What’s her longest voyage?
Learn more at SailORO.org and read more about Marie at Latitude38.com/february-2024#42.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and your other favorite podcast spots — follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!

Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Marie Rogers on the DEI Gap in Sailing
- [0:22] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:26] John Arndt
- [0:31] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [0:41] Learn more at SailORO.org and read more about Marie at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/february-2024/#42
- [2:16] What’s a story that shaped Marie as a sailor?
- [4:56] How did she get back into sailing?
- [5:35] Los Angeles Yacht Club (LAYC)
- [7:34] How did Marie overcome standing on the sidelines as a parent?
- [10:19] Catalina Island
- [12:32] Port vs. Starboard
- [16:07] Transpac (Transpacific Yacht Race)
- [19:08] How do we empower more women to sail?
- [19:58] Cal 25
- [22:37] Send your sailing photos to [email protected]. Check out our monthly Sailagram feed at Latitude38.com/Sailagram
- Diversity in Sailing
- [23:21] How do we inspire people from diverse backgrounds to sail?
- [29:00] What is Offshore Racing Outreach (ORO)?
- [32:42] Pandemic
- [36:54] What’s next for the boat?
- [37:20] Pac Cup (Pacific Cup)
- [40:35] How has Marie’s experience been at U.S. Sailing?
- [46:19] Check out our online store at Latitude38Store.com
- Short Tacks
- [46:52] What is Marie’s dream boat?
- [47:54] Does she do any cruising?
- [48:46] What’s her longest voyage?
- [49:18] Where would she still like to sail?
- [49:48] How do you get more people to sail?
- [51:00] What’s Marie’s most important piece of safety equipment in addition to a life jacket?
- [51:35] Saving Sailing by Nicholas D. Hayes
- [52:05] Check out the Latitude 38 Bookstore here for books recommended by Good Jibes guests
- [52:18] Learn more at SailORO.org and read more about Marie at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/february-2024/#42
- [53:42] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [53:45] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
- [53:49] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [53:54] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
- [53:58] Check out the February 2024 issue of Latitude 38
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS