‘Iolani’ Enjoys the Delta Doo Dah in Potato Slough
Sylvia Stewart Stompe took a break from her role at Sausalito’s Call of the Sea, and together with her husband, Barry Stompe, enjoyed a Delta Doo Dah getaway aboard their Hughes 48, Iolani, last week. They enjoyed everything from reading the latest Latitude 38 magazine at peaceful anchorages, to the noise and excitement of Fourth of July fireworks and an air show, and, as an added benefit, meeting new sailing friends.
I am writing from Potato Slough with a big thank you to Latitude 38 for delivering the July issue on June 30, so we could have a copy to sail up the Delta with when we departed Sausalito early on July 1. Latitude 38 provided the entrée to making new friends! It was serendipity to read about the folks on the Catalina 42 Endless Summer (in the June issue we also had on board) and Dave and Michelle, and just hours later, to see them sail in to anchor nearby. We met up shortly thereafter, after watching them rescue a small motorboat that had lost propulsion and was drifting into a marsh. They displayed the true sailor’s spirit.
Latitude 38, or more precisely, our Baja Ha-Ha flag, also helped us make the acquaintance of Pete and April on a large trawler, Tai Tai, also anchored in Potato Slough. I had paddled by to say hello and thank them for their service, commenting on the USCG flag they displayed. Pete in turn mentioned the Ha-Ha flag we displayed. Turns out Pete had just retired from the Coast Guard, and he and April are planning to cruise the Sea of Cortez. I asked about the boat name and April explained that Tai Tai means “First wife, she who gets all the respect and money” — a candidate for best boat name ever!
While at Potato Slough we also enjoyed watching the Hilton fireworks and a red super moon rising simultaneously from our anchorage on July 3 after the cool, now annual, air show. Our four-day mini-Delta Doo Dah concluded with a July 4 bash home, against 25+ knots in an ebb current by Port Chicago in Suisun Bay, and heavy breeze all the way to Sausalito.
Thanks to Sylvia for sharing the beauty and fun of the Delta. By the way, Endless Summer was among the first half dozen or so boats to sign up for this year’s 29th Baja Ha-Ha.