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From the December Issue

There a certain white and red J/35 that you’ve probably seen at almost every Bay Area race. Jarlen has been a staple of YRA and coastal racing for almost 30 years. The boat is owned by Dr. Bob Bloom, who has played a role in training generations of new sailors. "Bob has been a huge influence on my development as a big-boat racer," said former Jarlen crew member Viktor German.

Jarlen out on the rail much? Not pictured is owner and skipper Bob Bloom.

© 2017 Roxanne Fairbairn

We profiled the boat and her owner in this month’s Sightings.


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Have you ever impressed yourself by installing, removing or repairing something on your boat that you thought was impossible to do on your own? Did
"The Panama Posse kicked off their rally to Panama last Wednesday, November 29, with a huge party hosted by Marina Puerto Isla de Navidad, Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico," writes Bay Area sailor Lucie Mewes of the Van de Stadt 41 Georgia, which has been cruising Mexico the last three years.