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America’s Cup
Blackaller Buoy

Cityfront Racers Get a Better Blackaller

On Sunday, Lisa Blackaller Williams cracked a bottle of champagne on the side of a new, and much larger, YRA buoy #16. The buoy is named after her father, Tom Blackaller.
AC40 rendering

America’s Cup 37 Protocol Announced

With the release of the Protocol for the 37th America’s Cup by Emirates Team New Zealand and INEOS Britannia we have learned a lot and really very little at the same time.
America's Cup celebration

36th America’s Cup Goes the Kiwi Way

New Zealand captured a little 'luck of the Irish', defending the America’s Cup by defeating Luna Rossa by 49 seconds on match point to win 7-3.
Peter Burling and the America's Cup

We Have a Match! Italians vs. Kiwis

We made it past that 'magic' moment of the first race of the America’s Cup, though it was a bit 'tragic' momentarily for…