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Latitude Readers are Winners
Every month, as the new Latitude 38 magazine is printed and bundled up for distribution, we insert some Golden Tickets between the sheets before sending the issues out. The winners can choose between a Latitude 38 t-shirt or cap.
Among the sailors rediscovering the Bay Area's local cruising scene are Jos Cocquyt and his wife Anne, who headed up the Delta for some summer cruising and kiting.
You may have seen Laurent Duvernay-Tardif on the news in the last few weeks. He is a 29-year-old offensive lineman on the Kansas City Chiefs football team. Back in February, he helped that franchise earn their first Superbowl rings in 50 years.
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The US Coast Guard has reported that two sailors were rescued after their sailing vessel began taking on water one nautical mile offshore from Albion River near Whitesboro, CA, on Sunday.
We bring you excellent sailing content in the form of cruising stories, racing news, chartering up dates and all the regular features you enjoy. Here's sneak preview of what's inside the August edition of Latitude 38.
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We are very excited to announce that we have completed our dock replacement project for A through G dock at Brickyard Cove Marina, and now have openings in most sizes.
East Coast USA has been put on alert as Hurricane Isaias tracks its way north. The hurricane that started as a tropical storm, crossed Haiti and the Dominican Republic before being escalated to Category 1 weather system.
San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta offer a plethora of fantastic cruising destinations, and more and more folks are taking advantage of these waterways.
Go or No Go
For the first time, the SSS will use two Bay Tour courses of 19 to 21 miles. The two courses will help separate the doublehanders from the singlehanders and avoid smushed fiberglass at the rounding marks.
Along the normally peaceful coastline of Maine, a summer tragedy intruded on an already difficult year. On Monday afternoon the first fatal shark attack ever recorded along the coast of Maine occurred just a couple miles away from our summer sailing getaway.
Each month on 'Lectronic Latitude we post a new Caption Contest (!), and in the next month's Latitude 38 we share our favorite captions and announce the winner. Who won?
Hurricanes have a habit of taking aim for the Hawaiian Islands right around this time of year. Mother Nature doesn’t rest and is doing her thing like clockwork.
We found a post on Facebook sharing a story we had published in May 2009. Regular Latitude writer, JR, shared a fantastic feature titled 'Guide to Bay Sailing'. And while clearly much will have changed over the past 11 years, the essence of the piece remains.
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When Vallarta Yacht Club in NV, Mexico was forced to close its doors in March due to COVID_19, the members embarked upon a mission to help their employees. Their subsequent fundraising campaign, S.O.S. (Save Our Staff) exceeded expectations and returned more than enough money to keep paying their nine, permanent staff through the remainder of 2020.
Just over a week ago we posted this Latitude 38 archive photo on our Facebook page stating, "We often hear from readers who say 'I've got a copy of every issue of Latitude 38 stored in my house.'"  So we're offering a test for those who say they have a complete set of the magazines.
With the abundance of boats in the Bay Area, we wanted to understand more about the merits of leasing or renting a slip, versus owning a slip. And while the concept of slip ownership is not entirely new, it is something that many of us had not previously considered.
The Club at Westpoint Harbor hosted a 'pandemic-adjusted' groundbreaking ceremony for its new ecologically sensitive, multi-purpose building last Saturday. Members from across the US joined the board of directors via live-streaming from the new building site.
How does an engineering graduate move from selling opera tickets to running a famous sailing magazine? Benjamin Shaw recently invited John Arndt to join him on his podcast, Out The Gate Sailing. The result is a rollicking tale of adventures and opportunities that carried this intrepid sailor across the country and to various oceans across the globe.
Good News! Last Friday 'Matthew Turner' passed the test! The final ‘test’ was the Man Overboard (MOB) drill, and thanks to lots of practice, drilling and efficient crew, 'Matthew Turner' passed with flying colors, and is now officially a Coast Guard “Inspected Vessel” — able to carry passengers for hire.
Waterfront Redevelopment
Read the complete story of the demise of the Island Yacht Club clubhouse at Alameda Marina in the July 2020 issue of Latitude 38.
"They are calling it a one in 500 year rainfall here in Whangarei," friends of Latitude Lewis and Alyssa Allen of the Island Packet 420 Levana told us over the weekend. Whangarei, (pronounced fong-ah-ray) a boating hub on the east coast of the North Island, recorded 214 millimeters of rain — that's almost eight and a half inches — in 24 hours on July 17, and a further 44 mm the following day, according to New Zealand’s MetService.
Due to the sudden surge in cases of COVID-19, Bay Area health commissioners have once again clamped down on sailing. Fortunately, they realized the risk only applies to sailors but not to sailboats. For the balance of the summer, sailboats will be allowed to go sailing as long as there are no sailors aboard
One of the Bay Area's favorite sailing regattas, the Three Bridge Fiasco, has hit the big-time and is set to be replicated on the East Coast — specifically at Annapolis Yacht Club. Thanks to Scuttlebutt News for sharing the story with us, and allowing us to share it with our readers.
Last week we published a story about masked sailors across the Bay Area and invited readers to send us photos and comments about their masked-sailing experiences. We received this response in the mail from George Scott. 
The World Famous L38
It's Caption Contest(!) time. This month's photo was sent to us by Peter Moorehead. Drop your caption into the comments and be sure to check out the August issue of Latitude 38 for the winner and top 10 entries.
Like most live-aboard sailors, John is in a position to witness and often partner in salty-tales of all kinds. But how often can a sailor say they have touched nautical history or connected with the heroes and heroines of sailing's chronicles.
If you are Buying or Selling, visit Latitude 38’s NEW Classy Classified page. The deadline is TODAY, July 15 at 5:00 p.m. for the August issue.