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Dodge Morgan, the first American to complete a non-stop circumnavigation and the fourth person ever to accomplish the feat, passed away on September 14 in Boston of complications from surgery for cancer.
As the South Pacific cruising season draws to a close, many voyaging sailors are poised to head south to New Zealand in order to avoid the imminent cyclone season in the tropics.
In a scene straight out of the movies, an investment banker made a grisly discovery on September 4 while fishing in the Bahamas.
If the weekend’s forecast of patchy fog, drizzle, and light winds aren’t tempting you out onto the water to watch (if you can see that far through the fog) the Big Boat Series or to join the Singlehanded Sailing Society’s Richmond/South Beach Race, you have options.
Thanks to all the uninformed hysteria about narco violence south of the border — which does exist, just not where most Americans and most cruisers go — some southbound cruisers have lingering concerns about Mexico.
They say cats have nine lives. But until we heard about the rebirth of the PDQ 32 cat Catalyst — which capsized and was subsequently abandoned off the North Coast July 7 — we thought that old adage applied only to felines, not to two-hulled sailboats.
The first photo in the sequence on The Triton’s website shows Capt. Henry’s boat riding in through Jupiter Inlet, as it had done many times.
Well . . . whaddya think? © 2010 America’s Cup The buzz generated by Monday’s announcements regarding AC 34 from the Golden Gate YC and Club Nautico di Roma is palpable.
The area around the soon-to-be-installed slips was also dredged. © 2010 Bob Naber Just in time for the Rolex Big Boat Series — which starts on Thursday — the City has just finished the dredging of the San Francisco’s West Harbor, home to San Francisco Marina, Golden Gate YC and St.
  With bated breath, the sailing world has been waiting for months for a definitive announcement regarding the 34th America’s Cup.
In order to prove once again that truth is stranger than fiction, we give you the following ad from Craigslist, where two young girls planning to sail around the world — drunk most of the time — want a pirate-killing man to come along to protect them.
As many globe-trotting cruisers know, the Indian Ocean’s Chagos Archipelago is regarded as having some of the cleanest waters and healthiest reef systems on earth.
Has Puget Sound been renamed? latitude/LaDonna
©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC "I was recently reading your Pacific Northwest counterpart, 48° North," writes Steve Denney of the Pittsburg-based Yorktown 39 Break Time, "and was shocked to see that the name ‘Puget Sound’ is out — it’s now referred to as the ‘Salish Sea.’
Ready for a sunny getaway south of the border? If you were planning to enter this year’s Baja Ha-Ha cruisers rally you’d better hurry, because the official entry deadline is tonight at midnight. 
Did you miss this? Then read on . . . BMW Oracle Racing
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Did you miss the victory presentations made by BMW Oracle Racing in the spring?
In his controversial article in the August issue of Latitude 38, Max Ebb mentioned the book Saving Sailing by Nick Hayes, in which Hayes lays out a plan to help boost the declining number of sailors in the U.S.
It’s monohulls in the front and multihulls in the back – or north – of Paraquita Lagoon.
If past years are any barometer of the future, the first Pacific Puddle Jump boats of the 2011 fleet will set sail from the West Coast of the Americas, bound for French Polynesia, in late February or early March.
Most sailors look at Labor Day with mixed feelings — hey, it’s three days of sailing, yet it’s also the official end of summer.
What is believed to have been "a month’s worth" of tropical rain during Mexico’s rainy season fell in one day — Monday — in the high mountains above Puerto Vallarta, resulting in the collapse, at 2:30 a.m.,
While the East Coast of the United States eyes the approach of Earl, now a Category 3 hurricane, the northern islands of the Eastern Caribbean are trying to clean up the damage wrought by Earl when he came through Sunday afternoon through Monday night as anything from a Category 1 to a Category 4 hurricane — the latter meaning winds to 135 knots.
‘Jonesing’ for your Latitude 38 fix? No worries. The September edition is hot off the press and on the streets today, chock full of all the latest sailing news from the Bay and beyond.
Hurricane Earl is giving the British Virgin Islands the evil eye. NOAA
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC "The eye of Earl will pass near or over the northernmost Virgin Islands this afternoon and this evening," NOAA reported this morning.
When you see somebody with a big cat, you assume he/she has a lot of money.
In a follow-up to Wednesday’s report of a solo sailor being rescued 55 miles off Fort Bragg on Sunday, we spoke with the skipper of the Catalina 27 Amica, John Innes from Vancouver, B.C.,
Before going cruising, most sailors put a lot of thought into safety. For example, what they will do to prevent getting hit by a ship, how they will pick up somebody who has fallen overboard, or how they will respond to water inexplicably coming into the hull.