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'Lectronic Latitude
Classy Classifieds Page Temporarily Down
If you’ve been having trouble submitting a Classy Classified ad via our website in the last couple days, you’re not alone. That page is temporarily down and our techies are working feverishly to get it back up by Wednesday (but hopefully sooner). The deadline for the December issue of Latitude 38 is November 18, so…
I Paid How Much per Hour for This Work?
It can be an upside down world if you don’t supervise work on your boat. Richard Drechsler© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Former Northern Californian Dick Drechsler took his Catalina 470 Last Resort to a Southern California boatyard to have a bunch of work done. When the yard was done, Dick took this photo. It’s evidence,…
Net Times to Note
If you’re heading south to the sunny latitudes of Mexico and are new to the cruising life you may not be aware of the cruiser nets that keep sailors updated on weather, local events and other topical news. In San Diego, the local cruisers’ net is run by Downwind Marine on VHF Channel 68, daily…
Ha-Ha Update
From the Grand Poobah himself, here is some important info relating to the Ha-Ha: 1) Offshore flow is returning to SoCal and the air quality is much better. In any event, the conditions on the waterfront are nowhere nearly as bad as they were in 2003. "You can even see the stars at night," announced…
Pindar Open 60 Dismasted
Brian Thompson’s Pindar 60 was dismasted in mild conditions last night on its way to La Havre, France, for the start of the doublehanded Transat Jacques Vabré. The race, which starts in just eight days, runs non-stop from France to Brazil. Thankfully no one was hurt in the incident but, with so little time to…