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'Lectronic Latitude

Life after the Spill

A little over a week after the 902-ft Cosco Busan sideswipped the Bay Bridge, spilling 58,000 gallons of heavy-duty bunker oil into the Bay, the focus on oil recovery has moved from the water to the shoreline. The Coast Guard announced yesterday that 10 of the 11 oil skimmers were dismissed, having collected about 16,974…

Latest Salvos Over America’s Cup

Remember how great the last America’s Cup was? The close racing, the exciting TV coverage on the Versus channel, the good feeling that it was finally an event worthy of sailing’s oldest trophy? Neither do we. From now until the next Cup — whenever that may be — most AC proceedings will apparently be more…

Channel to Nowhere

In a move which falls under the heading of "unclear on the concept" the outer (red and green) channel markers at the La Paz harbor entrance were moved west recently, apparently due to operations near the Pemex fuel facitlity. The problem? Keelboats passing between the two buoys were led directly onto a shallow shoal. Unfortunately,…

Not So Good Timin’

As we reported on Monday, Chris Perkins’ J/105 Good Timin’ was stolen from its slip at San Francisco Marina sometime over the weekend. We are happy to announce today that Chris was reunited with his boat on Monday afternoon in Pillar Point Harbor, about 50 miles south of San Francisco. Aside from a few scuffs…

Sand in Orifices to Honor the Famous Surf Smooch

In order to teach the onlooking Ha-Ha kids that love is preferable to violence, one of the Here To Eternity couples enters the contest arena. latitude/Richard© Latitude 38 Media, LLC We never would have suspected, but the most hard fought competition in the Baja Ha-Ha has become the Here To Eternity Kiss contest, which celebrates…
