Support the Cup, Save the Dates
If you were one of the dozens of people who showed up October 4 for the Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee meeting to support San Francisco’s bid to host America’s Cup 34, then you know the impact your presence made on the tenor of the public comment. If you missed it, you have a second chance. The Host City Agreement is in the process of being shepherded through the channels of City government and the next step we’ll have access to is a special Port Comission meeting tomorrow (Correction, the meeting will be a week from tomorrow, November 30) at the Ferry Building’s Port Comission Hearing Room located on the building’s second floor at 9:30 a.m. The next opportunity will be the Board of Supervisors’ Budget and Finance Committee meeting a week from this Wednesday, December 1 in Room 263 at City Hall. The agenda has not been issued yet, so we don’t know the exact time. We will keep you updated in ‘Lectronic Latitude. In the meantime, plan on bringing as many people as you can; six of the 11 Supes have co-authored the HCA, which bodes well for its acceptance, but we’d prefer a greater margin for error. So come on down and show your support!