Episode #112: Krysia Pohl on Serving and Sailing
This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by Krysia Pohl to chat her 23 years of service in the U.S. Coast Guard along with Olympic campaigns and sailing for fun. Krysia is Chief, Prevention at U.S. Coast Guard Sector San Francisco and has worked directly with the past 2 Commandants.
Hear how she fell in love with sailing and working in the maritime world, her success for the USCGA Sailing Team, her campaign for the 2004 Olympics, what brought her back to her hometown of Alameda, and the huge opportunity for young people to get into maritime jobs.
This episode covers everything from the Coast Guard to learning to race. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- Where are Krysia’s parents originally from?
- What was it like growing up in Alameda?
- When was the first time Krysia stepped on a boat?
- Why did she decide to go to a service academy?
- Was it difficult to leave the Coast Guard?
- What kind of boat was Krysia’s Olympic campaign on?
- How did her rank change when she went back to the Coast Guard?
- Short Tacks: What’s her best sailing advice?
Learn more about Krysia on LinkedIn and the U.S. Coast Guard at USCG.mil.
Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.
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Show Notes
- Krysia Pohl on Serving and Sailing
- [0:22] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:26] Moe Roddy
- [0:32] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [1:01] Learn more about Krysia on LinkedIn and the U.S. Coast Guard at USCG.mil
- [1:42] Where did she grow up?
- [2:02] Alameda, CA
- [2:43] Where are Krysia’s parents originally from?
- [4:06] What did her parents do for work?
- [5:19] What was it like growing up in Alameda?
- [8:08] When was the first time Krysia stepped on a boat?
- [9:38] Was she part of a junior sailing program?
- [10:04] Encinal Yacht Club (EYC)
- [10:38] Did Krysia know she was a great sailor at a young age?
- [11:30] Why did she decide to go to a service academy?
- [13:28] How did her sailing team do?
- [15:09] How many women were in her class?
- [16:54] How do service academies work?
- [18:14] What did Krysia major in?
- [18:35] Did she always know she wanted a career in the military?
- [19:16] What was her first job?
- [19:28] Check out the Latitude 38 Classy Classifieds at Latitude38.com/Adverts
- Racing
- [21:01] How did Krysia get more into sailing competitively?
- [22:28] Why did she leave the Coast Guard?
- [23:47] Was it difficult?
- [24:33] What kind of boat was her Olympic campaign on?
- [25:47] Why did she go back to the Coast Guard?
- [26:53] How did her rank change when she went back?
- [28:08] What is Krysia’s role for the Coast Guard?
- [31:02] What does her husband do?
- [31:46] What did she do for Commandant Fagan and Commandant Schultz?
- [35:38] Do Krysia’s kids sail?
- [36:18] What are Krysia’s future plans for sailing?
- [37:04] You can find your closest Latitude 38 distributor at Latitude38.com/Distribution. Did you know every month you can get your copy of Latitude 38 delivered directly to your mailbox? Subscribe at Latitude38.com/Subscriptions
- Short Tacks
- [37:55] Calm at Sunset, Calm at Dawn by Paul Watkins, Dove by Robin Lee Graham with Derek L.T. Gill, Maiden Voyage by Tania Aebi
- [38:45] Yellowstone
- [39:04] Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave
- [39:28] Check out the Latitude 38 Bookstore here for books recommended by Good Jibes guests
- [39:41] Who would Krysia love to have coffee with?
- [40:14] What’s the best professional advice she’s ever received?
- [40:42] What’s her best sailing advice?
- [41:35] Who’s inspired her most in her life?
- [42:28] What is she most grateful for?
- [43:42] What does she wish Moe asked?
- [46:34] What final thoughts does she have?
- [47:38] Learn more about Krysia on LinkedIn and the U.S. Coast Guard at USCG.mil
- [47:42] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [47:49] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
- [47:54] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [48:01] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
- [48:10] Check out the October 2023 issue of Latitude 38
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS
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