How Does Your Onboard Garden Grow?
For Sheri Seybold, who has been cruising for a long time with husband Gene on their Esprit 37 Reflections, and is currently cruising Malaysia, the garden is going pretty well. The garden got started with a gift from Sufiyo Zazen, who is cruising with Majj. (Gotta love those unusual names.)
"Sufiyo and Majj are growing all kinds of herbs and flowers on their sailboat," reports Sheri. "After two weeks, I repotted the onions, garlic and flowers. I then added some rosemary and sweet basil that I had bought. I have been amazed at how fast everything is growing! I cut the greens from the garlic and onions, so they just keep growing. I take cuttings from the basil and rosemary, too. They are wonderful in all kinds of dishes, salads omelets, stir fries, and so forth."
"I have the plants mounted on the stern pulpit so they get plenty of light. The biggest problem I’m having is the salt spray when we are underway. I try to cover the plants before the spray gets on them, as salt is a sure plant killer. But that protection is still a work in progress, as I don’t think the plants would survive outside on a long, rough passage. But so far they have travelled 400 miles and are doing fine. One problem is finding a spot for the plants on the boat that wouldn’t interfere with sailing, as that would never do."
That’s how Sheri’s onboard garden is growing. How about yours?
By the way, the Seybolds started their cruising from the Stockton Sailing Club many, many years ago. After several years, they took a long break in Honolulu, but have been at it again for several more years.