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Etchells Worlds Update

All you have to do to win in this fleet is get out in front of the other boats and stay there. But it’s not as easy as it looks.

That’s Craig Healy skippering I Love My Wife showing you how it would look.

© 2017 Chris Ray

If you’ve been spending your Bay Area evenings parked on I-80 eastbound in Berkeley, you’ve probably had plenty of time to notice a large cluster of sailboats in tight formation on the Berkeley Circle. That would be the 2017 Etchells Worlds, which will finish up with two races today and one more on Saturday. They’ve been racing into the choked evening commute because these past hot, still days have caused postponements and late starts.

Currently in first place is Senet Bischoff of the New York Yacht Club aboard KGB. The leading Bay Area contender is Jim Cunningham of San Francisco YC aboard Lifted, currently in third. For complete results check here.


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