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A New One-Design Class Racer
A yacht design icon and a construction icon will take a mid-size boat to Moore races in Moore places. “It’s going to be a sexy Italian-inspired hotrod!”
COVID Threatens Local Camp
Recently a participant in Call of the Sea's “Young Salts Adventure Camp” program tested positive for COVID-19. The person had shown no symptoms and was tested along with the rest of his family as part of their own precautionary protocol.
Cruising South of the Border
Yacht clubs are wondering whether to run races, junior sailing programs are navigating proper protocols, boat shows are being postponed and racing has been severely curtailed. And the Grand PooBah is holding off until October 1st to decide on whether to run the 27th annual Baja Ha-Ha.
Mark Your Calendar
Even when San Francisco's summer chill returns, sipping a rum cocktail will conjure images of swinging in a hammock in a tropical anchorage.