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Boat Sinks off Angel Island

On Saturday, a 73-old boat partially sank in shallow water off Perles Beach on Angel Island.

Peregrine was half sunk on Saturday in shallow water off Angel Island.
© 2019 Daniel and Meghan Thompson

It’s not clear why Peregrine, a 1946 38-ft custom wooden yawl owned by Captain Stephan Sowash, went down. The boat was refloated quickly.

“I want to thank Parker Diving,” Sowash told us by phone this morning. “Those guys did a hell of a job. It was a very difficult and dangerous place to work — right in the surf line. They also managed to retrieve a few mementos from the boat.” Sowash also wanted to let mariners know about the difficulties of anchoring at Perles Beach. He said that Parker Diving also struggled to hold their position after they dropped their hook.

We’ll have more on this in a future Latitude article.

“Along with other local agencies responding, this was a USCG Sector San Francisco response case,” a Coast Guard spokesperson told us yesterday. Their public affairs team is still pulling together information about the rescue.

When Captain Jay Grant, the skipper of Seaward, saw Peregrine on Saturday, “The boat had airbags under it and sails halfway up. They seemed to pump out enough water to eventually take it over to be hauled out.”

Peregrine was eventually raised and taken to Sausalito.
© 2019 Daniel and Meghan Thompson

“While we were out sailing, we heard a vessel calling Vessel Assist for help,” Grant continued. “At that time, the vessel was aground and the tide was going out, leaving it mostly high and dry.”



  1. Rev Dr. Malama 6 years ago

    Oh, I am glad that she was saved and no one hurt!!! The online info keeps me floating wayyyy out here on my lonely in Hawai’i!!!
    Thanks Lat38
    From the sv M.O.M

  2. Mustad Marine 6 years ago

    Plow anchor, I bet. I don’t know why so many use them.

  3. Peter 6 years ago

    We were on Angel Island and saw the boat drop its sails off the beach. It was a Lee shore with the wind and waves coming onto the beach. It was a lovely wooden boat. So glad it was saved.

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