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Help and Support Needed
The death toll from the fire that tore through Maui's waterfront town of Lahaina now stands at 55, with many people still missing.
The World Famous L38
If we're in the second half of the year, sliding toward December, does that mean everything is going to be downhill or upside down?
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
Fun Ashore
The Delta was the place to be last weekend, with Owl Harbor's annual tenant party and Willow Berm Marina's "Taste of the Delta" keeping sailors entertained and well fed.
Unique Treasures
We love seeing what's new in our classifieds each week, even if whatever has arrived in our pages is years old. Here are a few unique craft for those who are "just looking" with nothing much in mind.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Natural Disaster in Hawaii
Much of Hawaii's waterfront town of Lahaina, Maui, is in the grips of a wildfire that is destroying homes and businesses, and causing people to jump into the water to save themselves.
Sailors' Stories
Molly represented the United States in the 2012 London Olympics, and is now the director of the Peninsula Youth Sailing Foundation.
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What can QuickTrim™ do for you? Check the link to discover the latest innovation in sailing hardware.
Shuffle (of the) Board and More News
Bay Area sailor Joe Rockmore has alerted us that Don Ahrens resigned as chair of the Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay.
Practice Makes Perfect
There is no question that tethers are both widely used and a kind of basic, no-brainer method of keeping sailors attached to the boat. But every safety measure brings with it a perception of security that may be shattered when the unthinkable actually occurs.
Hope Continues
The search for missing sailor Captain Donald Lawson off the coast of Acapulco has been suspended.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Busy Times on the Water
A sailor missing en route from Sitka, Alaska, to San Diego; a windsurfer rescued off Point Bonita; and a sailboat aground at Stinson Beach.
Calendar Alert
Residents and boaters berthing their boats in the listed areas are eligible for the free, expired marine flare collection events.
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Hydrovane is your best crew member: an independent self-steering windvane and emergency rudder/steering system … ready to go!
Maine Coastal Cruising
Summers in Maine still hold the magic of our youth.
Something to Hold
We have a list of almost 700 pick-up joints in California. They're worth a visit.
Sailing In Pictures
We're excited to share all these excellent photos our readers have taken during the past month.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
233 Candles
Happy 233rd birthday, United States Coast Guard!
Waiting it out
The Delta waterways are dotted with bridges and diversions. If you've sailed up and down a lot, it can be easy to assume you know all the opening schedules; we've been guilty of that.
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Sailing around the world and visiting new places each time is a great privilege, and being part of a Dream Yacht ownership program adds ease and security.
Women's Sailing Events
Get ready, ladies; there are two excellent sailing events coming up, just for you! Yes, you can now say, "It's all about me!"
From the Magazine
In 2004, Wylie told 'Latitude', "I may not have been the best at business, but of all the people I've worked with over the years, I can't think of one who I couldn't go up to and shake hands with."
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It's happening soon. Mark your calendar for the Fall Crew List Party.
Sailors' Stories
Paul and Teresa Marshall are each joining a leg of the upcoming Ocean Globe Race as crew aboard the Italian-based Swan 65 'Translated 9,' sister ship to the local 'Translated 9 US,' often seen out on the Bay.
The Sounds of Sailing
Ravi is the 2022 US Rolex Yachtsman of the Year and is the only sailor other than Glenn Ashby to have won the A-Cat Worlds, F18 Europeans, and F18 Worlds in a single year.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
Deliver Happiness
On the first of each month you'll deliver 'Latitude 38' magazines to our Bay Area distributors. That’s it! Take the rest of the month off and go sailing.
Traditional Yachting
Vince Casalaina goes canal cruising while also planning a classic-yacht video for San Francisco Bay sailors.
Do it now!
It's just a month until the official deadline for signing up for what very likely may be the last Baja Ha-Ha ever. So if you want to be a part of Ha-Ha history, it's high time to make your move.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Solo Circumnavigation
Two West Coast sailors, Ronnie Simpson and David Linger, are preparing for the Global Solo Challenge solo race around the world, just down the dock from each other at Maine Yacht Center in Portland, ME.
Is no news good news?
It has been reported that 'Defiant's liferaft is not with the boat. This gives a glimmer of hope that Lawson is alive.
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Book before August 31 to take advantage of this great special.
Legendary Sailing Swag
Since the earliest days, 'Latitude 38' has been looking out for sailors’ best interests. And that's why we’ve turned our classic covers into T-shirts.
A Look Inside
August's 'Latitude 38' is just around the corner; the magazine lands tomorrow! In the meantime, here's a sneak peek at what you'll find inside.
Salty Fun for Everyone
Put an "X" on your calendar to mark these two salty-treasure days coming up in August.
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It's happening soon. Mark your calendar for the Fall Crew List Party.
The Search Continues
Mexican authorities have determined Lawson was not aboard 'Defiant' when they investigated the upturned trimaran.
Dockside Views of S.F.'s Waterfront
Chad has spent many hours sailing and docking in various parts of the Bay. Here's his take on what's needed.
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
Mexico Cruising
Before the Baja Ha-Ha XXIX registrations opened on May 9, the Poobah reached out to the fleet of 2018 to ask where they've been for the past five years.
Turning the Page
Overcoming ADHD isn't easy, but sailing and finding focus with undistracted reading time can help.
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Lightest winches in their class. Strong line grip with minimal abrasion. Innovative QuickTrim™ self-tailers. See how they work …
Donald Lawson's capsized trimaran 'Defiant' has been located off the coast of Acapulco. Authorities have so far been unable to reach the vessel.
It's All About Us
Thank you for 100 episodes of 'Good Jibes' with 'Latitude 38'! Listen in as Moe Roddy chats with the 'Latitude' crew about everything from sailing to running a magazine.
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Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
Yacht Racing Highlights
Before we look forward to August's regatta schedule, let us just take a brief moment to mention today's deadline…
Local Racers Finish First
Several Bay Area sailors recorded wins in the 114th Race to Mackinac held in Chicago over the weekend.
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It's happening soon. Mark your calendar for the Fall Crew List Party.
Hope for Incommunicado Sailor
Captain Donald Lawson has not been heard from for eight days. It is believed he may not have engine power or an operational wind generator.
Exploring the Depths:
Let’s dive (pun intended) into the highlights of the Long Beach Scuba Show and discover the wonders that await sailing enthusiasts in the underwater realm.
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Enjoy a peaceful stay in the heart of Ensenada at Ensenada Cruiseport Village.
Get Your Hands on a Copy
Max Ebb attends a recent Harbor Commission meeting to join the discussion about the Bay Area's ferry system.
Team Spain New Race Leaders
SailGP's Spanish Team, which was on the ropes last year and hanging by a thread, pulled off a shock to win the weekend and beat the unbeatable Australians in the process.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
Foiling Weekend
The second event of Season 4 of SailGP opens tomorrow in the Port of Los Angeles.
Good Altitude
How high have you sailed. Most of us sail at sea level, but many in the West sail much higher.
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
He's a Winner!
"What 'about' Bob?" we hear you thinking. Bob Schulz is our newest Golden Ticket winner and has earned himself a fun new 'Latitude 38' T-shirt!
Tumultuous Pacific
In light of an unusually high number of life-threatening incidents in the Pacific this year, Andy Turpin wrote to 'Latitude 38' with some comments.
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It's happening soon. Mark your calendar for the Fall Crew List Party.
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