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Is this a cool photo of eco-friendly cruising or what?Swell
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC "Whenever possible, I use this precision anchoring technique seen in the photo to place my anchor in a sand patch where my chain won’t damage any nearby coral," reports Liz Clark.
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC "Whenever possible, I use this precision anchoring technique seen in the photo to place my anchor in a sand patch where my chain won’t damage any nearby coral," reports Liz Clark.
"I am a proud member of the Latitude ‘Over 30 Club’, as I have owned my Pearson 26 for 38 years," writes William Grummel of Antioch.
If you don’t get distracted by Elizabeth, you can see that the Ostranders believe in solar power.
High tide and a big sea swell made the spray fly on shore, while just beyond, Golden Gate Yacht Club held their fourth midwinter race in a fortuitous break between big storm fronts.
For most sailors it used to be that part of the attraction of getting out on the water was to escape the rat race and all its trappings, such as phones, faxes, computers and buzz-killing news broadcasts.
John Arndt, the Associate Publisher of Latitude 38, will give a talk, ‘A Sailing Life Inspires a Celebration of Sailing and Ocean Conservation,’ at a St.
Few forms in nature are more gracefully streamlined than a dolphin cutting through the water.
We received many responses to Wednesday’s Mystery Photo quiz — some correct, some incorrect, and some creative.
"Our friend Dereck Vance here in Kerikeri, New Zealand, has not heard from his son Andrew and wife Megan for nearly one month and understandably he is curious to know where they may be," write Michel and Jane Deridder.
Some of the Ha-Ha XXI boats anchored in the clear waters of the bay.
As reported in our March 2013 issue, a formerly derelict piece of nautical history is being restored from stem to stern in Humboldt Bay by a dedicated group of military veterans and anti-nuclear activists.
© Jeffrey Berman
What is it? First correct reply wins a Latitude 38 T-shirt.
The biggest one-design class, 31 Moore 24s started and 8 finished, led by Michael Quinn and Larry Nelson on Cal.
A Coast Guard helo crew out of North Carolina hoists one of Rainmaker’s five stranded sailors to safety.
As reported Saturday, the five-person crew of the 65-ft catamaran Flyin’ Hawaiian was airlifted to safety Saturday morning, after the homebuilt vessel began taking on water roughly 120 miles west of Monterey.
All sorts of cruising boats turn out for the annual parade of sail through Zihua Bay and out in front of the swank Ixtapa resorts.
North Bay boaters first heard of Hot Rod Lane’s plans to sail to Hawaii shortly after he and his son, Michael Johnson, brought their partially completed amas to the San Rafael build site in 2011.
The February Latitude — ahead of its time.
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC If your eyeballs are getting itchy to catch up on the latest sailing news, you’re in luck, as we’ve jumped the gun a wee bit and released the February issue of Latitude 38 today.
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC If your eyeballs are getting itchy to catch up on the latest sailing news, you’re in luck, as we’ve jumped the gun a wee bit and released the February issue of Latitude 38 today.
Just before we left San Diego for the start of the Baja Ha-Ha in late October of last year, we were treated to an unusual sight — a big multihull coming out of the water at Driscoll’s Boat Yard on Shelter Island without benefit of a Travelift.
One of the most ambitious boat-building projects in recent memory is currently taking place in Sausalito.
Last August, Sailor Cherry, an enthusiastic participant in last year’s Delta Doo Dah, walked through the shower deck hatch (a 7"x13" rectangle) of her Serendipity 43 Hooked and did some extensive damage to her right leg and knee.
Bequia in the Grenadines. We haven’t been there in years. Even with a drone we figure it would take us a couple of weeks to get the photos we needed.
There’s something missing from Sausalito’s Richardson Bay anchorage: the notorious Flyin’ Hawaiian catamaran.
In Friday’s story, Rock On!, about John Larsen’s Westsail 42 Danika striking a pinnacle rock near Punta Mita, we gave a latitude for the rock’s position but not a longitude (we have since added it to the original story).
If you’d like to wake up to brilliant sunrises like this one, consider sailing to the sunny latitudes of Mexico with the Baja Ha-Ha rally.
"Is a sailboat a yacht?" the young man asked.
"I don’t know what Webster says, but by my definition, no, not usually.
What can happen when a boat in motion hits a stationary object such as a pinnacle rock.
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