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Archive for January 2010

Addleman is the new ‘X Man’

David Addleman singlehands the Cal 36 Eupsychia, which has been in his family for over 35 years. She’ll now play second fiddle to X. latitude/Richard
©2010 Latitude 38 Media, LLC Because of the unrelenting requests by Latitude readers for information on how easy it might be to buy a used sailboat in Asia, it’s fortunate that we can draw on the experience of David Addleman of Monterey, who has been cruising his Cal 36 Eupsychia in Mexico for the last several winters. More »

Baja Ha-Ha Seminars at Seattle Show

Find out everything about the Baja Ha-Ha this weekend at the Seattle Boat Show at Qwest Field Event Center. latitude/Andy
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Because nearly half of the Baja Ha-Ha cruisers rally’s 600 participants hail from the Pacific Northwest, it seemed like a no-brainer that we should show up at the Seattle Boat Show this month and tell potential Ha-Ha’ers what they can expect during the 750-mile cruise to the Cape. More »

Three Bridge Fiasco Tomorrow

John Foster of the Nonsuch 22 Blueberry reports that with a PHRF rating of 246, he gets one of the biggest handicaps of the 359 entries in tomorrow’s Three Bridge Fiasco, a San Francisco Bay classic. More »
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The Prescotts Plead Guilty

Sausalito/San Rafael yacht brokers Clay and Teresa Prescott of ABC Yachts pleaded guilty yesterday to charges that they stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from their clients. According to today’s Marin IJ, Clay took some of the pressure off his wife by copping to two embezzlement charges, which could earn him more than five years in prison. More »

Are You One in a Million?

The Coast Guard has been a hot topic in the Letters section of Latitude 38 in recent months, from praise for the dramatic rescue of the J World crew during last fall’s Baja Ha-Ha to criticism for not doing more to salvage the grounded JoJo. More »

The Kindness of Strangers

Jim and Julie Focha of the Stockton-based Westsail 32 Worldwind shared a story that illustrates one reason why Mexico is such a popular cruising ground. "When we left La Paz bound for home, I’d carefully calculated how much fuel we’d use and took out just enough money from the bank to cover our needs. More »

A Grand Start to the Year

Eric Willbur and Emmy Newbould are currently exploring New Zealand aboard their Brickyard Cove-based Flying Dutchman 37 Nataraja. They spent New Year’s Eve at Motukawanui Island off the northeast tip of New Zealand, where they met some new friends. More »

What Would You Do?

Every longtime sailor has considered the ‘what ifs’ of falling overboard at sea. And many of us take substantial precautions to up the odds of survival should we someday end up in the drink — such as wearing PFDs, insuring that lifelines and stanchions are sound, and keeping throwable flotation devices at the ready. More »

Jess Gets Knocked Down, Abby Leaves

Jessica Watson’s parents performed a flyover as Ella’s Pink Lady rounded Cape Horn. © 2010 Ella’s Pink Lady As the world watched Abby Sunderland, 16, set out in light winds from Marina del Rey on Saturday on her quest to become the youngest solo circumnavigator, Jessica Watson was getting her ass kicked in the Southern Ocean. More »