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The West Coast Waterfront
The Washington Yacht Club, a student-run nonprofit at the University of Washington, may be effectively shut down after repairs to docks and infrastructure.
Latitude 38 Magazine
If you've got gear lying around the house, dock box or lazarette, we've just added a feature to help you get it to someone who needs it more than you.
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Over 140 years of cutting-edge science, providing relentless performance for every yacht, everywhere, every time.
Sailing with the Gods?
Jim Hancock, founder of the Sailing Science Center, gave us some history of the Freya 39, how the boat got its name, and why he named his boat 'Solstice'.
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Classic sailboats, unique yachts, model boat building and more! Join the fun and save the date: June 23 at Corinthian Yacht Club.
It's all in the name
Presto! Translated into English, this Italian word is generally taken to mean "quickly." We're therefore guessing that is how Sue and Joe Dazey of the 48-ft Chris White-designed catamaran Presto like to sail.
Conditions That Vex Sailors
The Singlehanded Sailing Society's Singlehanded Farallones race had most of the ingredients for a great day.
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Find out the most suitable propeller size for your boat and request a free personalized quote.
Honor Maritime Trades
The proposal to name the new park at Alameda Marina 'Svendsen Maritime Park' is coming before council at next Tuesday's meeting. Your support can help!
The Bay Area Waterfront
After the A's abandoned their plans to build a new stadium on the Estuary, the debate continues over Oakland Waterfront Development.
Shoreside sailing
The Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show is open and ready for visitors with marine businesses and organizations ready to show and demonstrate sailing all weekend.
Reserve space now by calling (916) 777-6055 or email [email protected].
It's Still Happening
The 50-ft sailboat 'Alboran Cognac' sank after being attacked by orcas approximately 14 miles off the coast of Cape Spartel, Morocco.
Listen in
This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by 15-year-old wingfoiler Henry Vare. Hear how wingfoiling compares to sailing, about the races Henry's most proud of, and more.
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Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
Dressing up for Safety
No matter where you're working, share the #safeboating message by wearing your life jacket and posting fun pictures on social media for a chance to win a prize.
For the Love of Print
We here at 'Latitude 38' are fortunate enough to have a steady stream of comments, emails and letters, but the crop is thin this month, and we need your help.
Shiver me Timbers
Catching up on the dockside news from the Farallones, Europe, Mexico, the deep, blue ocean and Redwood City. Short Sightings captures some of the news that washed across the foredeck after that last, deep trough.
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Classic sailboats, unique yachts, model boat building and more! Join the fun and save the date: June 23 at Corinthian Yacht Club.
Long Days are for Sailing
A warm, clear, fog-free Friday night had most beer can racers dressed in short sleeves, soaking up the last of the evening sun.
Wind Indicator
Sunday afternoon sailors on the Oakland Estuary had an otherwise beautiful day of sailing marred by a serious-looking fire that broke out in the Port of Oakland.
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Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show returns to Westpoint Harbor May 16-19.
The Kids Are Champs
Eighteen high schools vied for a trophy and a foundation-sponsored trip to a regatta in Annapolis at last month's Northern League Championship.
Gaining More Skills
Spinnaker Sailing San Francisco’s racing clinic aboard the Express 37 fleet was held late last month, under clear skies and in light winds, with 24 students joining in the fun.
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Discover one of the most exclusive marinas in the Bay Area featuring a host of resort-style amenities. Schedule a tour today.
We're Going to the Show
The Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show is next weekend, Thursday, May 16 - Sunday, May 19, at Westpoint Harbor, Redwood City.
Hang them on the wall
And now, for your viewing pleasure, we introduce … April, a snapshot of sailing and sailors everywhere.
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Join Naos Yachts for an open house on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 in Point Richmond.
Supporting the Ocean
Blue Frontier' enjoyed a "Celebration of the Sea" highlighting the work being done by Bay Area organizations and individuals promoting ocean and coastal environmental work.
Against the Ebb
Race, cruise, sail and sing. If you haven't found a reason to get off the dock you might want look at some upcoming events and activities.
Enjoy a Casual Sail
Believe it or not, some people just go sailing for the fun of it. No start times or race rules.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Be Ready!
The annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally is setting off on its 30th voyage in November, and you're invited. Registrations open at noon on Thursday, May 9.
The Sounds of Sailing
Emily is the program director at Alameda Community Sailing Center (ACSC), winner of US Sailing’s 2023 Outstanding Community Sailing Program Award.
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Discover one of the most exclusive marinas in the Bay Area featuring a host of resort-style amenities. Schedule a tour today.
Listen Up!
Bay Area yacht clubs are collaborating to bring more out-of-town speakers for talks at multiple yacht clubs.
For the Love of Print
I wanted the tactile satisfaction of holding the magazine in my hands, so I was on a mission to find a copy of 'Latitude 38' on the San Rafael waterfront.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Searching High and Low
What do you do when the Coast Guard tells you a buoy goes missing? How do you find it or alert other sailors to its absence? Call 'Latitude 38.'
Sharing the fun
It's Caption Contest(!) time! What do you make of this month's offering?
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Hydrovane is your best crew member: an independent self-steering windvane and emergency rudder/steering system … ready to go!
Do You have FOMO or Commitment?
It's never too early to plan ahead. Friends need to know, sandwiches need to be made, race entries need to be submitted. Summer Sailstice fun starts when you decide what you're going to do.
Treasure Hunt
There are many places to find a magazine along the coast of California. We have a map to help make them easy to find.
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Walder boom brake is an essential safety device that ensures the indispensable protection of your crew and equipment.
Add Your Support
Cal Sailing Club is seeking community support to help prevent a relocation that would potentially end their program.
Pat Broderick left San Francisco a month ago to join the 'Stad Amsterdam' in Hawaii for her voyage to Japan. Now, he's about to anchor off Yokohama.
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Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show returns to Westpoint Harbor May 16-19.
From the Magazine
Larry Hall and his friends headed out the Gate for an evening sail to Half Moon Bay, unaware that fate was to step in and deliver an evening of chaos.
New Launching
We learned about the recent launching of a daughter, named Sailor, whose name was inspired by lessons from the sea and sailing learned by her parents.
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Classic sailboats, unique yachts, model boat building and more! Join the fun and save the date: June 23 at Corinthian Yacht Club.
Good news but slow news
If all goes well, Angel Island will get new docks, but construction won't begin until June 2025. And that's the best-case scenario.
The Sounds of Sailing
Rodney Daniel is a professional sailor and pitman who has forgotten more than most will know about grand prix yacht racing, America’s Cup, Volvo, Maxi 72s, TP52s, and more.
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Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show returns to Westpoint Harbor May 16-19.
The World Famous L38
"The Force is strong with this one." The May issue docks today. Inside, you'll find a ton of good stories and photos to take you through the month.
A Spring Tide of Regattas
The Yacht Racing Association and Vallejo Yacht Club invite racers and cruisers to sail in the Great Vallejo Race this weekend.
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Sausalito Yacht Club's Thursday night racing kicks off on May 2. Register at www.sausalitoyachtclu.org/Race
Sails Up for Summer
Sunday was the 106th annual Opening Day on the Bay, and from Raccoon Strait to the San Francisco Cityfront, boats of all types and sizes took to the water to join the festivities.
Match Racing Champs
Long Beach Yacht Club's renowned Congressional Cup was in fine form for the 59th event this past weekend.
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Haul out with KKMI and let the Bay Area's Best painter bees do their magic on your bottom.
Fleet Snap-shots
As the sign-on day for the 30th Baja Ha-Ha approaches, the Poobah is curious about who will join the fleet for this year's sail south.
Are you next?
As Latitude readers pick up their magazines, some are happy to find a Golden Ticket between the pages, telling them they've won a new 'Latitude 38' hat.
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Elevate your racing skills with Modern Sailing's racing clinics for all levels.
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