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Bless Our Boats
Opening Day on the Bay is this coming Sunday, April 28. Join the Blessing of the Fleet and the Boat Parade to the theme "Rockin' on the Bay."
The Stories of Sailing
This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by 'Latitude 38' publisher and Summer Sailstice creator John Arndt.
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Over 140 years of cutting-edge science, providing relentless performance for every yacht, everywhere, every time.
Looking Out for Each Other
On Monday afternoon, South Bay sailor and 'Latitude' reader Jon Clifford was looking out the window when he saw a sailboat that appeared to be adrift.
Coastal Launchings
Schooner Creek Boat Works is probably best known to San Francisco sailors for building Steve Randers' Wylie 70 'Rage' and Bruce Schwab's Vendée Globe Wylie 60 'Ocean Planet.'
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Find out the most suitable propeller size for your boat and request a free personalized quote.
Sailing the Blue Planet
The past sunny, sailing weekend reminded us why sailors will save the world.
What's going on?
Cabo Marina underwent a sudden change of ownership recently, causing alarm and concern among boaters.
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Sausalito Yacht Club's Thursday night racing kicks off on May 2. Register at www.sausalitoyachtclu.org/Race
Jack of all trades
The Maher family has done a lot of sailing together. The next trip is father Chris, son Patrick and their crew on the Pacific Cup.
More than just Sailors
Meet the Sea Clowns — a troupe of theatrical artists sail their way into the hearts and minds of shoreside tourists and locals.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Last Minute Entry?
The PCCSC's recent Open Team Racing Championship produced epic sailing action, and an encounter with the 90-ft 'Robert G. Brownlee.'
It's Show Day!
The Newport Beach Boat Show is underway, and the docks of Newport Beach have something for everyone to discover, from megayachts to small electric boats.
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Featuring exclusive show specials on stunning 2024 Jeanneau and Catalina sailboat models! Contact us for free tickets at 619-733-0559 or [email protected]!
Which Is Best for You?
The Resourceful Sailor contemplates the use of whisker poles of differing sizes; each has its advantages, and disadvantages.
Road weary
There are a lot of good reasons to go sailing; not being stuck in traffic is one of them.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Attention, serious racers
The biggest racing series in San Francisco Bay is underway. Organizers expect to score 100 boats against one another in a 37-race series.
Sailors' Stories
This week’s host, John Arndt, chats with Robbie Haines, an Olympic champion and winner of seven world championships on four different classes of boats.
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Hydrovane is your best crew member: an independent self-steering windvane and emergency rudder/steering system … ready to go!
Scoping it Out
Today we take some short tacks up the Cityfront with newsbites and upcoming events washing across the tidelands of our desktop.
No Handed Sailing
Boatbuilding at scale has returned to Northern California, just not in the way we imagine.
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Get on the water and race with confidence by taking Modern Sailing Racing Clinics for all levels from beginner to advanced.
A True Test of Sailors' Mettle
BAMA's Doublehanded Farallones Race was a true test of mettle this year, dishing out 25-35 knots of southerly storm winds.
Shooting the Breeze
It was great to connect with so many sailors at the Svendsen's Spring Fling.
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Our summer camp is the perfect beginning sailing camp for young water enthusiasts, non-competitive sailing, and youth who show interest in hands-on-learning experiences.
Sailing for Everyone
From dinghies to tall ships — this coming weekend is a busy one, with Bay Area sailing organizations hosting kickoffs and events for all ages.
From the Magazine
How do you bring more sailors to the sport of sailing? Start early and start small. Martha Blanchfield writes about kids who are born into sailing families.
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Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
Teen Champs
The first annual Northern League Championship was held in Redwood City and won by Redwood High School.
Stop In for a chat
Svendsen's Spring Fling Show is up and running. Are you coming? We're already on site and looking forward to see you all!
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Eligible yachts can earn 10% annual income, plus an additional 1% income for 3.5 years on select Lagoon and Excess catamarans with Dream Guarantee.
Tales from the Sea
Bay Area sailor Pat Broderick is crewing aboard the 'Stad Amsterdam' as it makes its way from Hawaii to Tokyo, Japan.
Successful Operation
Three mariners were rescued from an uninhabited island in Micronesia after using palm fronds to spell "HELP" on the beach.
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Learn more about how sewage affects the environment and download the free Pumpout Nav app today.
Sailing for a Cause
Bay Area sailor Amy Bridge is working to raise awareness of Parkinson's Disease through sailing.
Sailing Stories
In this week's 'Good Jibes' host Ryan Foland reads three articles from the April 2024 issue of 'Latitude 38' sailing magazine.
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Join the women of Club Nautique for a weekend full of education, connection, and most importantly sailing! This a two-day sailing event for women by women!
Spring Loaded Event
The two-day Svendsen's Spring Fling Marine Expo starts on Friday, and we'll be there! Come join us.
Free Stuff
Some fast boats are available in in the 'Latitude 38' classifieds!
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Share the gift of sailing, and then share great discussions about the stories you've read.
More Buoy News
Citing emerging navigation technology and cost of maintenance, the Coast Guard is "evaluating the need for all Safe Water Buoys along the California coast."
A Healthy Planet Is a Happy Planet
This year's Earth Day theme is Planet vs. Plastics. Join the I Heart Oakland-Alameda Estuary group on Saturday, April 20, in cleaning up the waterways.
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This year's show boasts more exhibitors, more informative sailing/boating seminars, and great food!
The Dark Side
Even the moon can't cover it all everywhere but, like the moon, we cover a percentage of the news — the sailing news!
Sailors' Stories
"Since I started sailing in 2018, I have sailed almost 15,000 miles, mostly by crewing for others."
Sailing In Pictures
Spring has sprung, along with our clocks and our docklines. Sailors have been making the most of the warmer, sunny weather and enjoying the spring breezes on the Bay.
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The Great Vallejo Race is just around the corner? Are you signed up yet? Sign up today: www.vyc.org/the-great-vallejo-race.
The Family that Sails Together
Mike Mahoney and his son Sean Mahoney are yet another family team participating in this year's Pacific Cup.
The World Famous L38
I was returning to Ventura Harbor in my Catalina 22. Ahead of me was another sailboat … something looked odd about the sails from dead astern.
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Join Naos Yachts for an open house on Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20 in Point Richmond.
News for Lunatics
There are good things happening on the West Coast: a total eclipse on Monday to educational and career opportunities.
Disastrous Docks Aside
Despite the disastrous docks at Angel Island, the lush spring foliage makes hiking to the top of the island's Mount Livermore a high priority.
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Join the women of Club Nautique for a weekend full of education, connection, and most importantly sailing! This a two-day sailing event for women by women!
The People Thus Spoke
Mariners and other stakeholders made themselves heard and succeeded in saving the Santa Cruz Mile Buoy.
wooden boat
Kristi and Bob Hanelt sailed around the world from February 26, 1972, to July 20, 1974, covering 31,106 miles and 102 ports or anchorages aboard the 1930 Sparkman & Stephens-designed 'Skylark.'
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This year's show boasts more exhibitors, more informative sailing/boating seminars, and great food!
Cruising Kids Like Mexico Too
It's happening! The Baja Ha-Ha is celebrating its coming of age with the 30th cruisers' rally heading to Mexico on November 4.
For the Off Watch
Spring is here, so we've packed our duffel bag for sailing and found some news in the side pocket.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
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