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Acres of Destruction
The damage from Hurricane Otis to the city and waterfront of Acapulco continues to be revealed.
Raring to Go
The West Coast's own Ronnie Simpson is set to hit the starting line for the inaugural Global Solo Challenge — a nonstop, singlehanded round-the-world race via the three Great Capes.
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Enjoy a peaceful stay in the heart of Ensenada at Ensenada Cruiseport Village.
Winter Protection
The weather is beautiful but is subject to change.
Moving Forward
Vallarta Yacht Club has officially taken over its new club house, and released a great-looking schedule of events.
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Walder boom brake is an essential safety device that ensures the indispensable protection of your crew and equipment.
Hurricane Season Hits Mexico
Hurricane Otis rapidly intensified before coming ashore near Acapulco.
The Sounds of Sailing
Hear Adam Lowry, 2023 5O5 world champion and 2019 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year, chat about racing psychology, sailing a catamaran across the Atlantic, and more.
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Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
A Lot of Clean up Required
Sailors, harbormasters and residents of La Paz begin to assess damage and dig out after Hurricane Norma.
Sailing In Pictures
Bay Area sailor Sally Lee Stewart sent us these fun photos that she took during the recent Jessica Cup, hosted by St Francis Yacht Club.
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Attention southbound cruisers. Call CRUZ'N Marine Diesel for all of your service and repair needs in Santa Cruz Harbor.
News from Mexico
Many boats are sunk, damaged or up on the beach in La Paz after Hurricane Norma crossed the Baja Peninsula.
On Track
The hurricane season will end and the Baja Ha-Ha will begin.
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Enjoy up to three weeks sailing on your own yacht per year, plus two weeks reciprocal yacht use on a sister ship from any Dream Yacht base worldwide!
You've Got Mail
We always enjoy getting mail from friends.
Sailing In Pictures
Local sailing photographer Ira Potekhina captured a gallery of classic photos at the recent Express Nationals.
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Find your new favorite sailing gear at the Latitude Store.
Put it on your Calendar
Everyone heading south will benefit from this hour-long seminar given by Douglas Samp and hosted by the Baja Ha-Ha.
Weather Update
Hurricane Norma is now heading north, threatening marinas in Cabo, La Paz and the mainland.
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Hydrovane is your best crew member: an independent self-steering windvane and emergency rudder/steering system … ready to go!
Sailors Gotta Sail
As you surely know by now, we love to share our winners' sailing stories and photos, and sometimes they reward us with lots of fun details.
Sailing Is In Good Hands
Paul Cayard is back in the sailing spotlight with the announcement of his new role as International Star Class president.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
A Sailor's Overland Journey
"There were only three rules, he said. 'Don't hit anybody; don't protest; and don't fall in.'"
Sailors' Stories
Hear about Krysia's 23 years of service in the US Coast Guard, her Olympic Sailing campaigns, and just sailing for fun.
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Sign up for San Francisco Boatworks' one-day marine training classes.
Watch Your Depth
If you're thinking about doing some Bay sailing during the upcoming holiday season, here's a video about entering Clipper Cover that could be helpful.
Meet the Fleet
As the 2023 Baja Ha-Ha kickoff draws nearer, we're continually fascinated by the variety of people who have signed up for this 29th cruising rally to Mexico.
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In need of new sails? Look no further than The Sail Warehouse — the leading distributor for Rolly Tasker Sails.
A Salty Weekend
The first annual Sausalito Boat Show's festival-like atmosphere was soaked up by sailors, powerboaters and water enthusiasts alike.
Two More Clubhouses, Four More Clubs
We ambled northeast along the Alameda waterfront from Fortman Marina to Encinal YC, where we popped into the busy pool area.
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Calling all friends of Latitude 38!
Boats Afloat
Cruising cats, multihulls, high-performance boats, innovative new products, old friends and new — the Annapolis Sailboat Show was everything a sailor could want, and more!
Zero to Hero
Jimmy Spithill led the USA SailGP Team to an unlikely win over the weekend in SAilGP's Season 4 event held in Spain.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Racing Down South
Last Sunday's 18th annual Todos Santos Regatta featured a great mix of visiting US sailors and local racers battling for bragging rights.
Eight Clubs in One Day
The eight-club Alameda Yacht Club Community organized an island-wide open house.
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A classic pedestal design with a modern electronics-friendly top with optimized viewing angles.
A Great Place to Sail
This Sunday, October 15, the City of Mountain View is celebrating the 40-year milestone with a family-friendly Community Celebration.
Don't Look Up
An annular (not annual) solar eclipse is coming to town tomorrow.
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Walder boom brake is an essential safety device that ensures the indispensable protection of your crew and equipment.
Hurricane Lidia came ashore near Banderas Bay as a Category 4 storm.
The Sounds of Sailing
Dr James Bender has spent most of his career as a captain and educator aboard sailing ships, and in outdoor environmental education programs.
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Join Richmond Yacht Club's Sail a Small Boat Day on November 4, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Three Days of Salty Fun
Make your way to Marin this weekend for the first annual Sausalito Boat Show. Can't wait to see you all!
The World Famous L38
Add your comment to this month's Caption Contest(!), and check out last month's winners in the October issue of 'Latitude 38.'
Will the Future Be Foiled?
Losing the America's Cup was the best thing that could have ever happened to it, though there will forever be a debate about the soul of the event.
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NAOS will be at this weekend's boat show in Sausalito.
Heavenly Weekend
October is a gorgeous month on San Francisco Bay, punctuated by Fleet Week and the annual Air Show featuring an array of aircraft, including the Blue Angels.
Left Right Punch
Two tropical storms take aim at Mexico, with one potentially reaching hurricane strength.
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In need of new sails? Look no further than The Sail Warehouse — the leading distributor for Rolly Tasker Sails.
Meet the Fleet
Just when you thought you'd learned about all the interesting people joining this year's Baja Ha-Ha, we bring you another bunch.
Out There
Who are we to judge? Having had moments when they've been humbled by the sea, most 'Latitude 38' readers are usually generous and reserved in their judgments.
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'Latitude 38' and Spaulding host the Last Call in Paradise Party at the Sausalito Boat Show on Sunday, October 15.
peace navy
As jets rumble overhead and contrails fleck the sky like brushstrokes, Fleet Week (2023), the Bay Area's largest annual boating event, roars to life.
A Matter of Degrees
California is home to great training resources for anyone who wants to pursue a professional sailing and maritime career. Cal Maritime Academy is right off San Pablo Bay in Vallejo, and graduates new classes of merchant marines every year.
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How to Beat the Heat
Rick Elkins shares snippets of his travel in Europe, including sighting a mysterious vessel in Italy.
Have You Found Yours?
"Thanks to all you salts!" wrote Terry Jackson, who found a Golden Ticket in an issue of 'Latitude 38' in September.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
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