May 2020
Sailing in the Time of Pandemic
What About the Baja Ha-Ha?
58Master Mariners 2020 — Regatta Non Grata
Along with just about every other event ashore or afloat these days, the 2020 Master Mariners Regatta, scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
64Riley Gibbs – Foiling Full Speed Ahead
Having fully embraced a need for speed and Bill Lee's well-known expression, "Fast is Fun," one of America's most competitive racers, Riley Gibbs, faces a world that has slowed to a virtual standstill.
68A Cinderella Story - Repowering With Renewable Energy
A friend asked me to come look at an old Ericson 35-2 he was considering buying. She was listed as a "spartan racer/cruiser." The description could not have been more accurate.
72Islander 36 – Living the (Cruising) Life at 50
This is Part 2 of our feature celebrating the Islander 36's 50th anniversary. Find Part 1, about the history of the Islander 36 and racing the boats, in the April 2020 issue of Latitude 38.
76Max Ebb – Graveyard Shift
One would think that ocean race navigation has become much easier in the last couple of decades.
80The Racing Sheet
What do you put in Racing Sheet when there's been no actual racing? Here's what: Spinning and Drifting into the Bay Area; Beer Can Zooming with RYC; and Santa Cruz YC Checks In.
86World of Chartering
This month, we salute the Bay Area's impressive fleet of Bay Area Crewed Charter Vessels and the dedicated professionals who run them. Turn to them when you want to book a sunset sail, corporate event, or something special on the water.
90Changes in Latitudes
Rodgers-Repass Family Uncharted Waters