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Making Connections for Mexico Cruising

As usual, a broad assortment of potential crewmembers showed up Wednesday night at Latitude 38’s Mexico-Only Crew List Party, some of whom made solid connections for a ride to Ol’ Mexico in Baja Ha-Ha XIV.

Rub-a-dub-dub, six crew in a tub! Hopefully these crew-listers will never have to use a raft in a real emergency.

©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

At least one guy flew up from L.A., and another came all the way from Idaho with hopes of snagging a berth. Lovely Heather of Gerry Sea of Cotez Charts discussed navigation issues, and gave each Ha-Ha skipper a free sample chart, accurate to GPS. And Sal Sanchez of Sal’s Inflatables dropped by to demonstrate what happens when you pull a liferaft’s ripcord — a Crew List tradition.

Heather of Gerry of Sea of Cortez Charts explains the subtleties of navigating the Sea of Cortez.

©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

If you missed the fun but would still like to find a ride, check out the new online Crew List at, and/or show up at the event’s Costume Kickoff Party (co-sponsored by West Marine) at San Diego’s Cabrillo Isle Marina, October 28. See for complete event details.

Dan Lawler of Idaho is determined to Ha-Ha. He even had a shirt custom made to prove it.

© Latitude 38 Media, LLC

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