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And your hosts for the Tuesday Evening Safety Meeting movie are…Indara
©2015Latitude 38 Media, LLC Scott and Monica of the Seattle, WA-based Gulfstar 44 Scott Free (Baja Ha-Ha class of 2009) and Eric and Christine Stephan of the Gig Harbor, WA-based Norseman 447 Indara (Baja Ha-Ha class of 2000) are pictured above, having made preparations for movie night — with an ancient boarding ladder, some duct tape, a few hangers, and a monitor — on Dock 4 at Marina Palmira in La Paz.
It says something about the quality of the boats in a liquidation sale when the specialist marine auctioneer is more excited about a handful of ancient cars than dozens of vessels.
Abnormally heavy rainfall pounded the Puerto Vallarta area a couple of days ago, leading to the closure of a key highway bridge, Puente Ameca, that spans the Ameca River, and separates the popular cruiser and expat destination of Nuevo Vallarta from Puerto Vallarta itself, where most yachting infrastructure and the international airport is located.
Friday will be the start of the three-race 19th St. Barth Bucket, which is for megayachts about 100 feet and longer, and is arguably the the most magnificent spectacle in big-boat fun racing.
Despite the best efforts of the RIB’s crew and passengers, and emergency response personnel, the Canadian vacationer did not survive the incident.
Last year’s SoCal Ta-Ta II was warm and wonderful. latitude/Richard
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC Dates have just been set for the SoCal Ta-Ta III, a Baja Ha-Ha-style cruiser’s rally from Santa Barbara to Two Harbors, Catalina, with stops at Santa Cruz Island, Channel Islands Harbor and either Paradise Cove or Redondo Beach.
The action in last year’s LA Harbor Cup. © 2015 Jeremy Leonard / Sail Revolution Ten of the best college teams in the country will compete in the Port of Los Angeles Harbor Cup collegiate regatta hosted by Cal Maritime Academy at LAYC today through Sunday.
Although it’s been nearly two years since long-established Nelson’s Marine ceased operations in Alameda, a wide variety of boats and equipment has remained behind its locked gates ever since.
Coast Guard search-and-rescue (SAR) personnel have told us they’re always elated when they’re able to bring stranded or injured mariners home safely.
Tonight’s the night! Whether your goal is to race to Hawaii or race around the cans on San Francisco Bay, sail off into the sunset or simply to Angel Island, Latitude 38’s Spring Crew List Party is for you.
All sorts of sailors pass through ‘the ditch’ each spring, even those from landlocked countries such as Hungary.
Hot action in windy conditions has characterized the St. Maarten Heineken Regatta. © Laurens Morel Boats from Seattle and Long Beach, as well as one owned by a former San Francisco Yacht Club member, and one tangentially from the West Coast, kicked booty in last week’s massive 188-boat 35th annual St.
Ronnie Simpson’s San Francisco-based Cal 2-27 Mongo anchored in one of the Bay of Islands’ hundreds of great anchorages © Ronnie Simpson With spring right around the corner and the Pacific Puddle Jump fleet preparing to set sail across the Pacific, it’s never too early to begin thinking about where to spend ‘the season’.
Show your colors with Latitude logowear! latitude/Annie
©2014Latitude 38 Media, LLC There’s no better way to stand out in a crowd than by wearing a Latitude 38 T-shirt, available in an array of fruity colors plus basic black and white.
The Matthew Turner in frames and deck beams. Next comes the deck. © 2015 John Skoriak Ratty, the resident boat expert in Wind in the Willows, said it best: “There is absolutely nothing half so much worth doing as simply messing around in boats.”
The victorious Desafío MAPFRE crew celebrate their arrival in Auckland. Recognizable in the photo are (left to right) the Argentinian onboard reporter, Francisco Vignale; Basque skipper Xabi Fernández; Spanish bowman Antonio Cuervas-Mons; and Brazilian watch captain André Fonseca.
Oracle Team USA’s AC45 foiling on the Bay on February 25. © Erik Simonson Oracle Team USA’s new foiling AC45 rolled out of the shed at San Francisco’s Pier 80 on February 16, splashed, and, after a quick systems check, got foiling in a light 8-10 knots of breeze.
Jean Le Cam and Bernard Stamm have rounded Cape Horn in the Barcelona World Race.