Quality Yachts With Premium Service From Swiftsure Yachts
Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
Vallejo Marina: Gateway to the Bay, Delta, and Napa River
Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Sydney Is Last Stop for SailGP Before California
SailGP is racing in Sydney this weekend as the last stop before the world tour makes its way to California in March.
The Super Bowl vs. Yacht Racing
Who says football and yacht racing have nothing in common?
Did We Label That Photo “Cook’s Bay” Incorrectly?
Last week, Dave Cohan of 'Tahu Le'a' in Redwood City wrote to tell us we had mislabeled a photograph in the January issue. Do you agree with him?
US Sailing Announces 2024 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year
US Sailing has announced Hans Henken, Ian Barrows, and Cole Brauer as the 2024 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman Award recipients.
Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay Is a Changing Thing
With the closure of the Angel Island guest docks in Ayala Cove, we checked on a few other places sailors could dock for a destination cruise.
One Dead After Sailboat Runs Aground Near San Juan Islands
A 56-year-old man has been rescued and a woman has died after a 31-ft sailboat was disabled and grounded near the San Juan Islands Monday night.
Baja Ha-Ha XXXI — It’s a Go! Go! Go!
Baja Ha-Ha XXXI is officially on for 2025 with signups starting on May 9.
Good Jibes #177: Nate Stephenson on Sailing To Get Your New Boat
Tune in as host Ryan Foland chats with sailor Nate Stephenson on the perks of going on a sailing trip to pick up your new boat.
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