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A season of California Disasters
Gut-wrenching video of waves peeling through Santa Cruz Harbor prompted readers to share their experiences about the docks in Santa Cruz.
Solo Duo
While currently sailing to Australia, Cole Brauer has been awarded the Cruising Club of America's Young Voyager Award.
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Life is too short to stay at the dock. Contact Naos Yachts today!
Crustaceans Galore
The Sausalito Sustainable Waterfront Association (SSWA) and Fish Restaurant are excited to announce the first annual Sausalito Crab Festival.
Sailing In Pictures
Welcome to December's Sailagram. We welcome you to take a look at the last month of 2024 through the eyes of West Coast sailors.
Where are they now?
Cruisers Kate Schnippering and Sean Kolk from Oakland check in from Alaska aboard their Catalina 36 'Petrichor.'
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Don't let our isolation fool you … our amenities will surprise you. Plus, every slip offers a calming 360 degree view of the agrarian surroundings.
Let the Spring Sailing Begin
San Diego is gearing up for the Etchells West Coast Spring Series, starting with the Bill Bennett Cup on January 18-19
Stories from the archives
In this episode of 'Good Jibes', we bring you three stories from the 'Latitude 38' archives: “Turkey Trot Offshore 2024;” “Exploring Baja Surf on S/V 'Sweetheart';” and “Triumph of the Spirit — The Odyssey of Bill Forrest.”
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"The Voyage of Discovery" explores the incredible life and career of legendary sailor and boat designer Ron Holland.
Calendar Alert
The eighth annual Cruise-In Week and Fiesta de Veleros will take place in Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico, from February 8 to 16.
Closing the Loop
Weather permitting, leaders in the 2024 edition of the Vendée Globe are sailing into the last week of the 24,300-mile race.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
On or Off?
Go or no go? It’s always good times deciding to go or cancel a race due to weather conditions.
World Famous L38
Welcome to our first Caption Contest(!) of 2025. Help us start the year right and give us your best caption.
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Get the best bottom on the Bay — Now through 01-31-2025. Offer not valid with any other painting discounts.
Sailing to Warmer Climes
Along the West Coast of the Americas from California to Panama, sailors of all stripes are getting revved up in anticipation of making the famous Pacific Puddle Jump passage to French Polynesia.
Flatwater Start
It was a great day to be on the Bay even though actually sailing was difficult.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Greeting the New Year on the water
San Francisco Bay east of Treasure Island was unusually busy for a Wednesday afternoon.
What Actually Happened
December's Caption Contest(!) of the damaged catamaran 'Mona' received dozens of comments. Here's the story behind the photo.
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Hydrovane is your best crew member: an independent self-steering windvane and emergency rudder/steering system … ready to go!
Decisions to be made
A reader asks, what's the latest in safety, navigation, and coms that you should have when cruising Mexico and the Pacific?
Nice Break
Jeremy Snyder and Maddie Zug found the surf in Turtle Bay and Bahia Santa Maria while crewing the Baja Ha-Ha aboard the Santa Cruz 52 'Sweetheart.'
Design Dilemma
How does sailing help you join the upper class?
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Buy your next boat through the Richmond Yacht Club Foundation and support youth sailing.
We hope 2025 finds you on the water, cruising, racing, day sailing, just chilling on the hook, or whatever floats your boat.
World Famous L38
Well, 11 out of 12 ain't bad … the January issue of 'Latitude 38' will be on the docks tomorrow, not today as planned. In the meantime, check out the preview
Think Small
On Saturday, December 28, a group of hopeful circumnavigators set off from southern Portugal in 19-ft homebuilt one-design plywood monohulls as part of the McIntyre Mini Globe Race.
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Easy maintenance, a custom fit, and reliable performance.
Boat #4
Our much-loved friend Jack van Ommen is once again the owner of a new boat.
Happy New Year
Three calendars we recommend for inspiring your sailing year ahead.
Wharf Collapses, Boats Capsize
The California coast has been slammed by 20-30-foot waves and heavy swells, causing major damage in coastal towns such as Santa Cruz.
Tragedy Strikes
Tragedy struck the Rolex Sydney Hobart during the first windy night of racing.
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Nova YachtMX is our new exclusive yacht insurance program, especially designed for cruising Mexico's ocean paradises.
Winds of Change
Facing headwinds from redevelopment, Treasure Island Sailing Center is taking a break from their programs.
As The World Turns
The first Vendée Globe competitors round Cape Horn four days ahead of the previous record.
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A safe harbor of refuge with no entrance bar and well protected from rough weather.
If you've ever wondered how you can find out where Santa is at any given time, we have an answer.
Racing Down Under
The lone American boat in the 2024 Sydney Hobart Race hails from San Francisco Bay.
Hands On
A new maritime trade school has come to life on Mare Island in Vallejo with the first class now graduated.
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From simple bottom maintenance and paint, to complete restoration and new construction, including diesel engines, parts and service.
Waterfront on film
'A Tour of Sausalito's Marinship — A Working Waterfront at Risk' is a behind-the-scenes look at the innovators and creators who make up Sausalito's working waterfront.
January Preview
San Diego YC's massive New Year's Day Race will take over San Diego Bay on January 1.
Dream Run
On a glassy, calm, sunny Monday, the 30th Baja Ha-Ha fleet gathered at the starting line in San Diego to embark upon an unforgettable experience that would include great fishing, sightings of a SpaceX rocket launch, and smooth seas, all under clear skies and a waxing moon.
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Life is too short to stay at the dock. Contact Naos Yachts today!
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