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We're grateful for sailing and for you!
At our weekly crew meeting last Monday, we were all asked to share something that we are grateful or thankful for from this current year. Once we began, it was easy to add to the list of people and things for which we feel gratitude.
What's next for the America's Cup
Like a family reunion you wish would never end, the Louis Vuitton 37th America's Cup is over. Now the speculation of when, where and who for the 38th edition begins.
Spinnaker Spectacular
Saturday, November 9, saw the first in a series of three races that make up San Diego Yacht Club's Hot Rum series. Sailor/photographer Bob Betancourt was on the water to capture the action.
Sailing the Sea of Cortez
I'm anchored at the edge of Bahia de las Animas in the northern Sea of Cortez. It's an area I've visited many times over the years, and yet this year I have learned something new — this area has been considered a place of spirits by many centuries of travelers and residents.
End of an Era?
The last of Sausalito's anchor-outs are being removed from Richardson Bay, with agencies and authorities intending to regulate and enforce the Special Federal Anchorage.
A Blue Frontier Project
The 90-year-old 'Queen of the Coast' has entered a new phase as an educational and youth-training vessel, and iconic ambassador between the wooden boat, marine heritage and ocean conservation communities.
The World Famous L38
Welcome to November's Caption Contest(!). As always, we look forward to your comments.