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Hope for Incommunicado Sailor
Captain Donald Lawson has not been heard from for eight days. It is believed he may not have engine power or an operational wind generator.
Exploring the Depths:
Let’s dive (pun intended) into the highlights of the Long Beach Scuba Show and discover the wonders that await sailing enthusiasts in the underwater realm.
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Enjoy a peaceful stay in the heart of Ensenada at Ensenada Cruiseport Village.
Get Your Hands on a Copy
Max Ebb attends a recent Harbor Commission meeting to join the discussion about the Bay Area's ferry system.
Team Spain New Race Leaders
SailGP's Spanish Team, which was on the ropes last year and hanging by a thread, pulled off a shock to win the weekend and beat the unbeatable Australians in the process.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
Foiling Weekend
The second event of Season 4 of SailGP opens tomorrow in the Port of Los Angeles.
Good Altitude
How high have you sailed. Most of us sail at sea level, but many in the West sail much higher.
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
He's a Winner!
"What 'about' Bob?" we hear you thinking. Bob Schulz is our newest Golden Ticket winner and has earned himself a fun new 'Latitude 38' T-shirt!
Tumultuous Pacific
In light of an unusually high number of life-threatening incidents in the Pacific this year, Andy Turpin wrote to 'Latitude 38' with some comments.
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It's happening soon. Mark your calendar for the Fall Crew List Party.
A Fortunate Find
An Australian sailor and his dog have been rescued by a Mexican fishing boat after being found adrift in the Pacific Ocean.
Sailors' Stories
John Arndt and Nicki Bennett are joined by the 'Westerly' crew, from Hawaii, right after winning the 2023 Transpacific Yacht Race!
Open Space on the Bay Area Waterfront
The new India Basin Waterfront Park will be up to 22 acres and include a new boathouse, a recreational dock for fishing and kayaking, a bikeway and two public piers — amenities that will open next year, according to the 'The Standard;' the rest of the park will be finished in 2026.
How on Earth?
While the photo looks disastrous, the reports were that no one was hurt. Once that fact was established, the speculations were rife.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
Blown Away
Boats that finished racing to Hawaii are heading north to get home and avoid Tropical Storm Calvin.
Another Rescue at Sea
A 22-year-old sailor was on a circumnavigation of Australia, when his boat was damaged and he sustained injuries, causing him to initiate a rescue from the Southern Ocean.
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Discover one of the most exclusive marinas in the Bay Area featuring a host of resort-style amenities. Schedule a tour today.
Local Cruising
Do you ever wonder how it feels to spend a season in the Delta? 'Watchfire' and her crew spent a few months sailing and exploring this local water-playground,
DIY Boat Modifications
The Resourceful Sailor is back from his most recent sailing adventures and shares his experience in repairing an old Navico Tillerpilot.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Well Deserved
The 2023 list of National Sailing Hall of Fame inductees includes West Coast sailors Sally Lindsay Honey, Bill Lapworth and Bob Perry, plus a Lifetime Achievement Award earned by Tim Hogan.
Weather Alert
It's hurricane season, with one of the early-season cyclones on a rare track toward Hawaii.
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See what sets these innovative new winches in a league of their own.
Summer Destination
Sylvia Stewart Stompe and Barry Stompe enjoyed a Delta Doo Dah getaway with everything from quiet anchoring to explosive fireworks and acrobatic planes, all while meeting new sailing friends.
Do You Recognize Anyone?
It's always fun to look over old black and whites, and even more fun if you happen to spot yourself or someone you know among the many faces.
Confession and Discussion
Is it anyone's business whether someone else does or doesn't wear a lifejacket on their boat? What's the balance between encouraging safe habits and taking to the internet to reprimand people for not behaving as we'd like them to?
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The 38th Annual Plastic Classic Regatta is coming up on July 22. Don't miss out! Sign up today: www.bayviewboatclub.org/plastic-classic.
From the Golden State to the Aloha State
The Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race started from Golden Gate Yacht Club on June 25. The 16 finishers began arriving in Hawaii on Friday evening, July 7.
Raceboat Conversations
If you missed our live chats with 'Westerly' during the Transpac last week, you can tune in here and catch all the on-deck chatter.
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
Walking on Water
Are floating, horizontal elevators a solution to crossing water on foot or bicycle, and a possible alternative to bridges?
South Pacific Undersea
Life under the sea is as important to sailors as life above it.
Sailing In Pictures
Here it is, the eagerly awaited June Sailagram! Is your photo among the beautiful images shared from last month's sailing adventures?
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Following the Yellow Brick Road
We've been following the Transpac fleet down the yellow brick road to Hawaii, and with over 50% of the fleet now in, the results are becoming clear as fresh batches of Mai Tais are served.
An oldie, but a goodie … according to the related news reports, there were no injuries.
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In need of new sails? Look no further than The Sail Warehouse — the leading distributor for Rolly Tasker Sails.
But Where Is He?
In mid-March we shared a story about the 55-ft sloop 'Ishi.' A friend of the boat's captain has shared some background about the man and his vessel.
Sailing Blind
Starlink is launching a new era for sailors. Like people on shore, sailors are debating the value of advancing technology's place in our lives, and how to incorporate time in the virtual world with time in the real world.
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Do not dilly-dally! You only have until 5 p.m. on July 15 to get your Classy Classified ad squared away for the August issue.
They're Getting Close
The Transpac fleets are converging on Hawaii as the breeze settles in and the weather becomes magical. We're following along with the Santa Cruz 52 'Westerly'.
We Are Where the Wind Blows
As the weekend approaches, we're looking back at some of the summer sailing happening on the Bay.
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Join us for the 2023 Beneteau Rendezvous at Richmond Yacht Club on August 19 and 20.
What Are You?
If you're joining the 29th Baja Ha-Ha, send your bio to the Poobah for this year's 'Meet the Fleet Guide.'
Female Sailor In The Ocean Race 22-23
July 1 concluded The Ocean Race, and we spoke with S.F. Bay sailor Bérénice Charrez about her experience in the competition.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Slot Cars
As the Transpac moves west, the fleet is settling into the slot-car lane and finding time to chat with us from the decks.
It's Turtle Time
A mystery boat owner's Fourth of July celebrations in Sausalito took a wrong turn last night when their boat turned turtle at the launching ramp.
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Come join our team and share your enthusiasm for boating with others.
Solo Race to Hawaii
"Made ya jump!" That might be the gleeful cry uttered by several of the racers in the Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race once they learn that they are making tracks to Hawaii so fast that…
Not all who wander are lost
The father-son crew of Dave and Zachary Wysopal aboard the 45-ft Island Trader ketch 'Yasukole' are alive and well in American Samoa, having made landfall last Friday (June 30), after 78 days at sea.
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The race is the fastest growing race in the San Francisco Bay because it is fun, fast, and because it starts and ends with great parties.
Celebrate by Sailing
Have you been able to get out for some Fourth of July-weekend sailing? There's been spectacular weather in places, and we hope you've all been taking advantage!
Racing to Hawaii
We've posted our third edition of Transpac Live as all fleets are currently playing the angles to Hawaii.
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Yacht donations are vitally important to supporting our students and programs. More info: cmafyachtdonation.org.
Bay Area Escape
Captain Daniel Aguiniga shows how to read and relax at Angel Island. Get there early, as many of the slips are either broken down or overrun by seals.
Holiday Learning and Fun
Shoreline Lake is putting on its best summer for young and older kids who are getting onboard for a variety of sailing camps and certification programs.
Because It's Fun!
Pacific Puddle Jumper Any Turpin was recently asked by a sailor why they should join the Tahiti-Moorea Sailing Rendez-vous. His reasoning is solid; now we want to go, too!
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Join us for this two day event for women by women and build your sailing skills. Register today!
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