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Another Wild One
As the eye of yesterday's bomb cyclone passed over the Golden Gate Bridge, the accompanying weather caused boats to move away from the docks.
Catalina Island
This week's host, Ryan Foland, is joined by Will Sofrin to chat boats and life. Will is a sailor, speaker, and the author of 'All Hands on Deck.'
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SailGP returns to San Francisco for the Season 3 Grand Final, May 6-7, 2023!
Women on the Water
There are countless women who are forging a career in sailing today, creating the historical sailing women of the future.
Dark 'N Stormy
Winter storms upset the California coast, making it a great time to escape to sunny Mexico.
Save the Turtles
Mike Casey and the crew of 'Foxfire' rescue their second turtle from being snared in fishing line and plastics.
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Spring cruising sailboat auction is underway. Hull, mechanical, engine surveys and more. Inspect in person, bid online.
Regata Internacional Bahía de Banderas
Banderas Bay offered up perfect conditions for all three days (plus a practice day and five fiestas) at the 30th Banderas Bay Regatta last week.
Springing Forward
Yes, it's still raining, and yes, the snow is still falling, but eventually, the weather will catch up with the season and we'll start to see more sunny days and higher temperatures (we hope).
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Yacht donations are vitally important to supporting our students and programs. More info: cmafyachtdonation.org.
They're Real
Almost anything can, and often does, happen on the Baja Ha-Ha.
Close Finish Leg
Half a month and several thousand miles of sailing later, however, the entire four-boat Ocean Race fleet is sailing within sight of one another on their way to Cape Horn.
Found and Lost
'Latitude 38's distribution map is to help the magazine get found, so you can get lost.
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The annual Berkeley Yacht Club Swap Meet is on again, Saturday, April 1, 2023 from 6 a.m. through the afternoon. Reserve a space: [email protected] or 510-543-9292.
Celebrating the Irish
If you do anything green today for St. Patrick's Day, take some photos and send them to us. We need more color in our photo archives.
Missing Sailboat
The US Coast Guard requests assistance locating the missing 55-ft cruising sloop 'Ishi'.
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Spring cruising sailboat auction is underway. Hull, mechanical, engine surveys and more. Inspect in person, bid online.
Who woke up yesterday morning to find a 'Welcome Aboard' email from 'Lectronic Latitude', even if you've been aboard for years?
Pineapple Express
University of Hawaii wins in Northern and Southern California regattas on the same weekend.
Recognition Well Deserved
The Peninsula Youth Sailing Foundation in Redwood City has been awarded the Pacific Coast Yachting Association's Garrett Horder Memorial Trophy.
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Mark your calendar and get your free tickets to Svendsen's Spring Fling Boat Show!
True Story
A sailboat has sunk after being rammed by a whale in the South Pacific, its crew successfully rescued 10 hours later.
Sailing for Your Ears
Andy is a longtime Express 37 sailor, Bay Area marine surveyor, and Richmond Yacht Club port captain who has truly seen it all.
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New Year's Special! 50% haul & launch with bottom paint. Call (415) 626-3275 for more information or visit www.sfboatworks.com.
Colleges Winning in Keelboats
Collegiate keelboat racing is alive and well with the Port of Los Angeles-sponsored Port of L.A. Harbor Cup.
More Than A Vacation
A chartered Bavaria 50 is alleged to have taken part in planting the explosives that ruptured the Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea.
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Our high-speed fixed wireless base stations and private Bay Area fiber ring offer the reliability, redundancy, and resiliency needed to keep you online, no matter where you call home!
Get Ready!
Baja Ha-Ha, the world's most chill long-distance offshore sailing rally, is set to depart San Diego on Monday, October 30, for Cabo San Lucas.
The Warmth of Wood
A mahogany beauty now in new hands in Redwood City.
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Yacht donations are vitally important to supporting our students and programs. More info: cmafyachtdonation.org.
Racing the Baja Coast to Cabo
The biennial race to Cabo left on a wet Friday with the bulk of the fleet now off Turtle Bay.
We Knew It Could Be Done
'Latitude' readers love solving sailing mysteries. This time they succeeded in identifying an unknown boat, in some unknown time and place.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
A Bad End to a Bad Situation
After breaking free from a mooring and drifting onto the rocks in a marine reserve in Maui more than two weeks ago, a nearly 100-ft motor yacht was finally extracted from shore by a salvage team, but sank a short time later in open water.
World Famous L38
This month we share a photo of Angela Goodwin getting ready to round the leeward mark on the Cal 20 'Greyhound,' in front of a pinniped-audience.
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Our team is ready to help you start on your new boating adventures. Sell, buy, or service your boat with the Naos Yachts San Francisco Bay team.
Sailing Women's History
No history of women in sailing is complete without the story of 19-year-old Mary Patten, who captained a 216-ft clipper from somewhere near Cape Horn to San Francisco in 1856.
Sailing the Estuary
A new Nuisance Vessel Ordinance in Oakland promises to help start a long-overdue Estuary cleanup.
Discover the joys of sailing the beautiful San Juan Islands with beginner to advanced liveaboard courses, bareboat charters and guided flotillas.
To Women Everywhere
In celebration of International Women's Day, we introduce you to the women of Latitude 38.
Sailors' Stories
Marga Pretorius is a shipwright and marine surveyor who singlehands her Kelly Peterson 44 in Mexico.
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Mark your calendar and get your free tickets to Svendsen's Spring Fling Boat Show!
Good Day Sunshine
How can such a rainy winter have so many sunny days of sailing?
The Bay Area Waterfront
In one of the starkest conflicts between expanding development and the Bay Area's working waterfront, concerns have surfaced that an ambitious project along the Oakland Estuary could interfere with ship traffic.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Cool for Schools
The 2023 Sailfest raised more than 3 million pesos in support of Zihuatanejo, Mexico's students and their schools.
Downwind Flyer
Can you help our reader identify this art and artist?
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Yacht donations are vitally important to supporting our students and programs. More info: cmafyachtdonation.org.
From the Magazine
Crosby's connection to the sea and sailing often appeared in his music, but his actual sailing life, while tightly woven and well known along the coast of California, was less well known to his worldwide fan base.
"Oceans: You gotta sea this!"
Tickets are now on sale for the 20th annual International Ocean Film Festival to be held at Fort Mason on April 13–16.
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Join the Latitude Crew Party at Svendsen's Spring Fling Show on April 15-16.
Not a Dinghy Day
Richmond Yacht Club knows if you're introducing new people to sailing, it's best to have a safe, sunny day. That day is not Saturday, March 4.
Have You Ever Found Your Dinghy?
What do you do when your dinghy goes missing overnight, and hasn't been found before you're due to leave and fly back to the US?
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The Moorings has a destination to suite every traveler's particular interests.
Sailing In Pictures
As we sail into spring we have a whole new Sailagram album full of photos from February's outstanding (and some not-so-great) sailing days.
Part 2
Last year, we heard the first murmurings of a Treasure Island toll of $5 to both enter and exit the island. The toll, which is set to take effect in 2024, was met with no small degree of outrage, with opponents saying the toll would reduce access to public shores.
Rainy Day Sailing
Looking for something to read on a rainy weekend? We have many places where you can pick up the new issue of 'Latitude 38,' including Almanac Beer in Alameda.
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Embark on a luxury sail aboard our spacious 42' Catamaran, as we celebrate a community of women on our first Passage Nautical International Women’s Month 'Together We Sail' experience.
Sailing Oceans Again
The Pacific is calling. More cruisers are signed up with the Pacific Puddle Jump to follow the first few who have already "jumped off" from the Pacific Coast.
Sailors' Stories
Nicole started sailing with her family at age 2, won All-American honors sailing for Yale, and is the first woman to be named St. Francis Yacht Club's Jerome B. White Yachtsman of the Year.
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Embark on a luxury sail aboard our spacious 42' Catamaran, as we celebrate a community of women on our first Passage Nautical International Women’s Month 'Together We Sail' experience.
Part 1
Rumors of restricted access for boats at Clipper Cove Beach appear to be just that, though sailors should expect to see designated boating and swimming zones in the next few years, as one of several compromises that attempt to balance development with public access.
Seagrass, the silent yet vital element in our world's ecosystem, finally has its day.
We Go Where the Wind Blows
As we march into spring and spring into daylight saving this month, we're sharing a variety of sailing stories from close to home and across oceans and time.
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Sign up for a fun-filled day of racing on the beautiful Alameda Estuary.
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