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SoCal Fall Yacht Racing
Blessed with fine fall weather, San Diego Yacht Club wrapped up the three-part Hot Rum Series on December 3.
The World Famous L38
Welcome to our last Caption Contest(!) for 2022! Although you'll have to wait until the new year to see the winners.
The Sailing Books That Made Us
The legacy that Joshua Slocum left behind is unparalleled in the sailing universe, in both his feat as a mariner, and his lasting prose as a writer. 'Sailing Alone Around the World' continues to inspire sailors of all stripes.
Sponsored Post
There's still time! Time to buy yourself a new boat for Christmas, and time to list your current boat for sale in next month's Classy Classifieds — only if you want to, of course. There's nothing wrong with having more than one!
It's Your Turn
The latest draft Delta Conveyance would negatively impact recreational boaters' ability to navigate in waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Eight Bells
San Francisco and the sport of sailing has lost a giant, as RC Keefe passed away at age 90 last weekend.
Read of the Week: 'The Long Way'
Just to be clear, my telling you about my favorite sailing book — yet again — is an attempt to get you to tell us about your favorite sailing book. Can you say why it's your favorite? Can you say how it "made you" the sailor that you are?
A Sweet Day on the Bay
When there's breeze, the winter remains one of the best times to sail in California. There was just enough this weekend to make Blue Friday or any day a good day to be on the Bay.
From the Magazine
South Beach YC hosts the, women-only-crewed Red Bra Regatta with action in the southern portion of San Francisco Bay.