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Fishing for Ghost Nets
The 140-ft vessel 'KWAI' passed under the Golden Gate Bridge on Saturday, July 23, completing a 45-day garbage-trawling expedition.
Boaters Not Welcome
A new plan by the Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) aims to restrict access to the beach in Clipper Cove to swimmers only.
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Fully loaded for cruising, and in turnkey condition.
A Fun, Family Day Out
Galilee Harbor's annual Maritime Day festival is on next Saturday, August 6.
Lightning, Thunder, Rain and Hail
You could say that no one predicted what happened in the wet, windy and wild Chicago to Mackinac Race, but that's not true.
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Rainman portable watermakers in stock at Cape Hatteras Marine. Visit our showroom near Newport Beach Harbor and ask about our Baja Haha specials.
An Unexpected Adventure
Sailing isn't always smooth. Sometimes you have to go out on the rails even before you leave the harbor.
Sailors' Stories
Nicki Bennett chats with Behan and Jamie Gifford about everything from raising your kids on a boat to dodging scary weather on the water.
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Specializing in the design, engineering and manufacture of masts, booms and rigging systems of the highest quality for over 50 years.
A Slow News-Day Headline
Whether through movies, classic sailboats, or nautical legends, Lake Tahoe stirs the imagination of many a sailor.
West Coast Yacht Racing
Before we flip the calendar page to August, here's a timely reminder from StFYC.
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The Latitude 38 Crew List Party is returning on Thursday, September 1st at Spaulding Marine Center.
It's All About the Lift
A planned, new bicycle/pedestrian bridge across the Estuary looks as if it could cause problems for Estuary sailors.
Sailors' Get Together
Latitude 38's Crew List Party will be held on the evening of September 1st at Spaulding Marine Center in Sausalito. Join us!
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If you love boats, are a trouble shooter and problem solver with a professional, efficient work ethic, and a positive team attitude, give us a call.
Some West Coast Favorites Are Included
The National Sailing Hall of Fame (NSHOF) announced 13 sailors comprising its 12th class of inductees.
So Much Enthusiasm in One Sailor
We've written a lot about Kenichi over the previous months, but recently we uncovered a few new facts about the famous sailor.
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Westwind Yacht Management: Professional yacht care, with personal service.
Ocean Sailing
A crew of six Bay Area sailors are sailing across the Atlantic aboard a 53-ft catamaran, 'Wild Rumpus.'
Where Are Our Dinghy Docks?
What has been your experience with marinas, facilities and bureaucracy within 'Latitude's West Coast borders, from Seattle, to Mexico, to the Hawaiian Islands?
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The Beneteau 473 combines extraordinary interior comfort, volume, and light with bluewater strength.
Bay Area Yacht Racing
On Saturday, July 16, 32 boats in the Yacht Racing Association's Westpoint Regatta made a run to Redwood City.
Support for the Maritime Trades
There's a shortage of skilled workers for good careers in the maritime trades. Now expanded federal funding can help marine training centers gear up to fill the shortage.
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Meet the worldly, Casa Blake, a new ownership opportunity in the heart of the Costa Palmas Marina Village.
Triumphant Teen
Merritt Sellers and her father Scott have won this year's Bayview Mackinac Race.
Nests Have the Right of Way
Bay Area yacht racers (and hopefully boaters of all kinds) know that a restricted zone exists off the northwestern corner of Alcatraz Island.
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Get your Premium Kuuma Water Heaters from Defender — Marine Outfitters of Choice Since 1938.
In Pursuit of Salvation
Many Bay Areas sailors remember walking past Ron MacAnnan's beautiful M-Class sloop 'Pursuit' on the Sausalito boardwalk.
Sailors' Stories
Fred Huffman has been sailing as long as he can remember, and has raced across oceans more times than you can count.
Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
A Quick Sail Then Back to School
Sixteen-year-old Cal Currier is singlehanding across the Atlantic aboard a 30-ft Tartan named 'Argo.'
An Inspired Project
John Neal's 'Log of the Mahina' was one of the early, small-boat voyaging books that spawned endless followers.
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Meet the worldly, Casa Blake, a new ownership opportunity in the heart of the Costa Palmas Marina Village.
Pac Cupdate
As the remnants of Hurricane Darby have passed south of the Hawaiian Islands, the Pacific Cup boats still at sea are dealing with increasingly rainy and squally weather.
Sailing's Safety Stats
According to the 2021 US Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics, last year saw a decline in boating accidents, injuries and fatalities.
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Download a free day pass for your boat and check out all the improvements we have to offer.
Pac Cupdate
Roy Pat Disney's turbo Volvo 70 Pyewacket 70 has completed the Pacific Cup, first to finish.
The Bay Area Waterfront
The June 16 eviction notices gave Oyster Cove Marina (or OCM) residents just two weeks to sign a document agreeing to leave by October.
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Swiftsure Yachts offers exceptional service, quality brokerage boats and new yachts for world cruising.
Mellow Offshore Racing
It was smooth sailing all the way to Half Moon Bay for a small fleet of offshore racers.
Sailing Eye-Candy
We hate to miss a chance to share some true sailing eye candy.
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Visit Vallejo Marina and enjoy the guest and fuel dock, free pump-outs, full service boatyard and chandlery, plus two restaurants!
Think Small
There's no need to wait if you're thinking about cruising Mexico. Keeping it small and simple has allowed many to set sail when the spirit moved them.
Sailors' Stories
Ronnie is an Iraq War veteran who discovered sailing after being wounded, and has since sailed well over 100,000 miles.
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Gain offshore experience on a sail to and from Monterey Bay, or to and from Santa Barbara. You can do one direction or both! Prices vary.
Delta Doo Dah Invites Baja Ha-Ha Sailors
Owl Harbor's Roaring Day in the Delta; Cruising Seminar Coming to the Delta in August; Fun, Friends, Food and Info at Delta Bay.
That Banana-shaped Sail
After asking readers to tell us what a blooper is we received many responses, including some from sailors who remember using them aboard their own boat.
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Navtec Hydraulic systems are built for boats like yours.
Missives from the Mid-Pacific
A medical problem prompted the evacuation of a crewmember from a Pacific Cup competitor.
World Famous L38
Welcome to the July Caption Contest(!). We love innovation, and this month's photo takes us to new heights.
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Join the fastest growing race in San Francisco Bay — it's fun, it's fast, and it starts and ends with great parties.
The Future of the Bay Area
Alameda's once-thriving maritime trade center is heading full-tilt toward relieving the area's housing shortage, but possibly also its maritime heritage.
Sailors Getting Together
There are over 100 yacht clubs in Northern California. Each one is unique. The one we visited this weekend had a unique refrigerator that might only be known to its club members. Where is it?
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Westwind Yacht Management: Professional yacht care, with personal service.
Boat-in Destination Goes Up in Flames
Moore's Riverboat fell victim to the flames in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday, July 6.
Holland's 95-year-old, decommissioned Koningshaven railway bridge will not be temporarily dismantled to make way for Jeff Bezos' new superyacht.
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Join the fastest growing race in San Francisco Bay — it's fun, it's fast, and it starts and ends with great parties.
The Exodus to Hawaii
As the last of the Pacific Cup divisions boats depart San Francisco today, we see another dozen boats bound for Hawaii in the Vic-Maui Race.
Seabird Sightings
Frequent pelican sightings are the result of an abundant anchovy fish population.
Good Question
Ever heard of a "blooper" in sailing?
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
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