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Cruising with Whales
The weather was perfect: 75 degrees, plenty of sunshine, and light, variable breeze, though we did have to head offshore to find enough to fill the sails.
Sharing Sailors' Stories
John Taussig is a paramedic, USCG 50-Ton Master License holder, adventure sailor, and executive director for Backcountry Medical Guides. He’s been an EMT and paramedic professional for 20 years and is a lifelong sailor.
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Experience the fun of small-boat sailing at Richmond Yacht Club.
Mexico on Display
The 130-ish boats in the 27th Baja Ha-Ha have scattered. But here we take a look back at the rally down the Baja peninsula.
Rich Jepsen taught thousands of people to sail while leading OCSC Sailing in Berkeley. Now, as president of US Sailing, he's looking to introduce thousands more people to life under sail.
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Keep your family and friends warm this holiday season with Latitude's of love.
Smooching in the Sand and Surf
Channeling Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr from the 1950s movie 'From Here to Eternity', the Poobah gently threw his future wife down on the sand, embraced her, and passionately kissed her as he rolled her into the breaking surf.
Stories of a Boat Building Legend
Today, November 15, is the first anniversary of Catalina Yachts founder Frank Butler's passing. Frank's son Dave wrote to us to share some memories of his dad.
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KKMI is here to help with all your big jobs.
West Coast sailor Fiona Wylde jumped into the iQFoil class just over a year ago and has now won the US National Championships in Clearwater, FL.
Update on Delevopment
Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency is holding a Virtual Open House on November 17, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to discuss proposed rates, discounts, and hours for the Treasure Island toll.
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Get your Classy ad in by 5 p.m. today!
Mexico Welcomes the Fleet
The Mexico navy made their presence known and boarded a few boats. They are always a little intimidating with their automatic weapons, but also always polite.
A Question for the Nation
What is your foul weather gear philosophy? Do you choose bright colors for safety, dark colors for style, or do you just buy what's affordable, or accept what's been handed down?
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Wanted: US Coast Guard-licensed captains for charters and private lessons. For power & sail. Hourly rate from $50 up. Weekend and weekday work available.
And the Winners Are ...
"Sailing on Tomales Bay returned somewhat to normal this year, and normal never felt so good."
A View on the Underwater World
If you like sushi, make sure you order uni — the sea urchin. It's a way for you to help the return of the kelp forests one bite at a time.
Four Score and Still Sailing
Happy Birthday to Webb Chiles, a remarkable sailor, a singlehanding legend, and a gentleman.
Tuning-in to Sailing Stories
In this week's Good Jibes, hear how Chip became the proud owner of Merlin, the changes he’s made since buying her, his impressions of the Rolex Big Boat Series, just how fast the boat is, and his new book Mavericks & Merlins.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. “Everything looks great! It was a huge relief."
The Nonconformity of Sailing
It could be said that sailors are latitudinarian in as much as sailors are a very tolerant species ...
HIgh-Speed Ocean Racing
As of this writing the fleet is now very spread out with the fastest trimarans rumbling south in a moderate northerly flow in the Portuguese trades, while the slower monohulls are sailing in the Bay of Biscay in relatively light air.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
A Smashing Good Time
Ros de Vries and the crew aboard 'Medusa' sailed in Richmond Yacht Club's Great Pumpkin Regatta, which was unpredictable, wet and entertaining.
The World Famous L38
What do you have to say about that?
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Club Nautique is hiring.
Keeping an Eye on the Fleet
There were a few dropouts and a few incidents reported, but the fleet is now safely anchored in Turtle Bay.
Jeff Bezos just can't get enough. He's sending retired TV stars to space and building the world's largest sailboat. What's next?
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Cruise with fellow Bay Area sailors and Q&M Travels for a hands-on adventure, complete with private instruction from professional sailors.
Getting to Know the Who of the Ha-ha
All in all it's been a banner year for the number of boats and sailors who have joined the Ha-Ha.
It's All About the Drag
In November's issue of 'Latitude 38' Max Ebb and Lee Helm debate luffing versus drag to get the best out of their sails while racing on the Bay.
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Cruise with fellow Bay Area sailors and Q&M Travels for a hands-on adventure, complete with private instruction from professional sailors.
Being Prepared for the Worst
After one more sprint, I realize that I'll never catch my gear and stop to rest. There are two hours of daylight left, so I start swimming.
The West Coast's Sailing in Pictures
October was jam-packed and felt as if it flew by. It kicked off with Fleet Week and finished off with the Baja Ha-Ha Kick-Off Party, with lots of great sailing in between.
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Club Nautique is hiring.
Where's Toto?
The Owl Harbor crew typically dress in theme, and this year it was down the yellow brick road with the Wizard of Oz
Sailing by Sound
Willie is an Olympic coach and the CEO of the Kite Foil League. He started sailing competitively at age 10 and still enjoys racing and kite foiling to this day.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Spooky Breezes
We had absolutely stellar sailing conditions on Saturday, which turned into the "Halloween Ghost Sail" on Sunday.
Safe Disposal of Hazardous Safety Items
Boat owners in East Contra Costa County and Alameda County will have an opportunity to dispose of expired marine flares on Sunday November 14.
Mexico Here We Come!
The Baja Ha-Ha fleet was ready to rock as they gathered for the skippers' meeting and costume kick-off party prior to Monday's departure for Cabo.
A Question about Life on the Water
Laws about anchoring out have long been on the books, but have gone unenforced, and the reality on the water and in shoreside communities has remained in a kind of stasis, some would say a quagmire.
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Wanted: US Coast Guard-licensed captains for charters and private lessons. For power & sail. Hourly rate from $50 up. Weekend and weekday work available.
This Month's Good Reads
It's the first of the month, and the November issue of Latitude 38 is on its way to you today!
Gathering of Westsailors at Owl Harbor
On October 23, we visited the Westsail Rendezvous at Owl Harbor Marina on Sevenmile Slough.
Beginning our journey I white-knuckled the wheel, taking us through the 20-ft swell out past the shipping channel.
Who's Delivering the Magazines?
Bay Area sailors Dale Land and Robert Boynton have signed up as 'Latitude 38's newest crew members.
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KKMI is seeking a Parts Manager and a Parts Administrator.
The Latest in Weather Forecasts
NOAA advised that its offshore and high seas gridded forecasts for the Pacific Basin transitioned from experimental to operational on October 28, 2021.
Leg 2 Starts from the Canary Islands
The second leg of the Mini Transat race has begun in Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. “Everything looks great! It was a huge relief."
We spent four days walking the docks, tents and booths confirming the accuracy of the headline news — sailing is very popular
The Sounds of Sailing and Science
Jim grew up in a boating family, would build models of sailboats as a child, and in 1999 embarked on a voyage from California to Australia.
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Club Nautique is hiring.
Have New Masts, Will Sail
The good ship 'Pegasus' is back in action with brand-new masts and shakedown sails under her belt.
Racing Doesn't Stop for Winter
The beer-can racing scene is wrapped up for the fall, and our thoughts turn to midwinter racing.
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