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Celebrating on the Water
Sunday is the 4th of July. Some regions are hosting celebrations and fireworks, while others are keeping it simple.
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The perfect sailor's job: 29 days off every month! This is a one-day-per-month position to deliver 'Latitude 38' magazines to our San Francisco/Peninsula route.
How Sunscreen Affects the Planet
June 8 was World Oceans Day, and across this month we've been searching for stories that focus on the health and restoration or protection of our oceans. We've covered plastic pollution, but what about sunscreen pollution?
Embracing the changes
When doing the Baja Ha-Ha, it's good to remember the observation of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, who said, "You cannot step into the same river twice …"
We found both a nut and later a split ring just lying on the deck. We glanced around, searching for the devious Friday night beer can racer who might have been trying to undermine our faith in our rig, but found none.
Bring your Baseball Gear
The Cruisers versus Kids game is played the way baseball always should have been played — nonstop action, women and children rarely ever getting called out, and parties in the outfield.
Keeping Up with the Rules
With the ever-evolving nature of government policies and regulations related to COVID, what’s accurate one day can become dangerously inaccurate the next.