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Keeping Up with the Rules
With the ever-evolving nature of government policies and regulations related to COVID, what’s accurate one day can become dangerously inaccurate the next.
There's Breeze Ahead
We were headed south toward the Bay Bridge, behind the wall of quiet, when we crossed paths with a series of optimistic sailors headed north to the Central Bay. 
Showing the Way to Half Moon Bay
If you were going to be an ambassador to all the new boat owners wondering where to go and what to do with their new sailboat this summer, what would you recommend?
Looking Forward to South Pacific Cruising
If the DMA lifts the restriction of Imperative Need, certain restrictions will still apply. All those coming by boat must be vaccinated; if they're not, they will not be allowed in.
Winners By Chance
"Suppose you roll a single die dozens of times, in a game in which you only 'win' (e.g., find a Golden Ticket) if you roll a 6. It turns out that ANY pattern that, over time (e.g., lots of months), averages out to 1 'win' every 6 rolls, is equally likely."
Grab Yourself a Good Read
While sailors were sailing over the Memorial Day weekend, 'Latitude 38's June magazine was being printed, wrapped, and stacked, ready for its Tuesday delivery.
Did you raise your sails last month?
If May taught us one thing, it is that sailing is back in a big way. We are beyond thrilled to see so many of you out sailing with smiling faces.
Helping Out the Community
"Been in town a day and he's already got you working!" Spaulding's president, Bell Edinger, commented upon seeing the newest volunteer with paintbrush and pot of epoxy in hand.
Meet the Fleet Preview
The 2021 Baja Ha-Ha received 102 entries in the first six days — the greatest number of boats in the shortest time in the rally's 27-year history.
Decked Out in the Coolest Gear
Share a photo of your dad (preferably on a sailboat) wearing his favorite T-shirt or hat to Latitude 38's Instagram page with #Latitudedads, and to honor dads everywhere, we'll share the photos on 'Lectronic Latitude. We'll even send a few lucky dads a new Latitude 38 T-shirt or hat.