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Almost all the cruising stories we've been reporting lately have involved the shutdown of various islands and cruising grounds. Recently the closing-trends have slowly started to reverse, as islands get a handle on the caseloads and how to manage life during the pandemic.
Chartered by the Ocean Voyages Institute of Sausalito, the Kwai departed from Hilo on a voyage to the Garbage Patch to collect ghost nets and other marine debris.
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We are very excited to announce that we have completed our dock replacement project for A through G dock and now have openings in most sizes.
The ups and downs of COVID-19 drive us as crazy as everyone else. With all due respect for the real financial and psychological impact the pandemic is having on society, if you think this is bad, let us relive a story for you that we did way back in 1996 about Captain Ottmar “Harry” Friz, one of the most amazing seafarers and gentlemen we’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Last week, I was delivering my Columbia Challenger Esprit from San Rafael to Oakland, marking just the second time I'd made my way down the Estuary in a sailboat. Near the entrance, we saw that a container ship was turning behind Yerba Buena Island, rather than heading for the 'parking lot' of ships in the South Bay.
The Bay Area is ringed with Boat-In dining locations and many have set up outside, waterfront tables and taken other precautions to help keep you both safe and well-fed.
On July 9 and 10, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) will be hosting their inaugural, live webinars on weather forecasting geared toward blue water mariners. Participation is free and there is space for up to 250 attendees.
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Our success is based upon simple principals that revolve around providing the best possible client experience.
The National Sailing Hall of Fame will honor the following: James E. Buttersworth, 19th century maritime painter; Sandy Douglass, designer of the Thistle, Highlander and Flying Scot; Robbie Haines…
While this is the quiet season in Puerto Vallarta, it doesn't mean Paul Martson of J/World hasn't been busy. He and his wife, Jennifer took on a pandemic project for their 2014 Wharram Tiki 30, Oleaje.
We wish all our readers, and sailors across the country a safe and relaxing weekend. This year more than ever we need to take time out to reflect and relax.
Well, summer's here! Some of us are working from home, and others of us have lots of free time for sailing. With everything that has gone down, there's still nothing better than an evening of summer beer can racing on San Francisco Bay.
We made it! Summer has come. We're half way to Christmas. And despite this year's unusual (to say the least) national and global upheaval we've pulled together and produced a great edition of Latitude 38 magazine for your reading pleasure — and ours!
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 30 years. “I have never seen the teak look so good."
Put it in your calendar — the 2020 Tahiti-Moorea Sailing Rendez-vous is now scheduled for July 24 - 26. This annual three-day event celebrates cruising sailors' arrival in the French Polynesian islands after a successful ocean crossing.
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has a few boating safety reminders just in time for the holiday.
Frigate Birds are an oddity among seabirds in that they never go in the water. Indeed, if a Frigate does somehow end up in the drink, it will likely drown in short order.
Local musical artists, Bay Station Band will perform their annual 'Love The Bay Music & Sailing' tour this week, as a virtual event. Almost a decade ago, California-based songwriter/musicians Kwame Copeland and Deborah Crooks combined their love of sailing with their love for music.
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KKMI is not only California’s top boat yard in terms of craftsmanship, they are also an environmental leader in the maritime industry.
Nation — We will take any and all latitude theme establishments that you might have come across in your international travels.
During the month of June, a lot of good news crossed the Latitude 38 Racing Desk. Now to figure out whose races are on, and which organizers are still holding off.
Latitude 38’s Classy Classifieds is the place to buy or sell boats — as well as marine gear, trailers, liferafts, boat partnerships, trades and more.
As organized sailing schedules slowly resume, Inverness Yacht Club was among the first to approve a 2020 racing season.
Last week we received a letter from Jack Van Ommen saying he is back in Cape Charles, VA after a four-month stint in the Caribbean.
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Dock with Berkeley Marina and join a community that shares your love of the water. Escape the urban jungle and let the wind take you on your next adventure.
Ten family-crewed Islander 36s met under the western span of the Bay Bridge to take a tour of the San Francisco Bay to celebrate Summer Sailstice on June 20.
Latitude Nation — Last week we asked if anyone could tell us what vessel type is Freedom; the abandoned boat that was spotted drifting west of San Diego.
We were happy to get the notice below yesterday afternoon from Laura Muñoz of the Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay. The quick news is that racing is now allowed. But there are important details…
Angela Madsen, a 60-year-old paraplegic who was attempting to become the oldest woman to row alone from California to Hawaii, was found dead floating next to her boat approximately 1,000 miles from Hawaii, according to the New York Post.
Although St. Francis Yacht Club may not be able to host its signature Opti Heavy Weather Regatta on the Bay, that doesn’t mean the kids can’t race. As with many regattas, this one has moved online.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 30 years. “I have never seen the teak look so good."
For most of us, San Francisco Bay is a place of endless sailing possibilities. It can also be a 'small' cove to tuck into on the way North.
A bit of good news for cruising sailors out there: The South Pacific island nation of Fiji once again opens its doors to cruising yachts and super-yachts.
It was a perfect sailing weekend for the energetic YRA Summer Sailstice Treasure Hunt.
"We have tentative approval from the USCG to run the rescheduled 2020 Singlehanded Farallones race on Saturday, June 27."
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We are very excited to announce that we have completed our dock replacement project for A through G dock and now have openings in most sizes.
Over in the East Bay, a hardy band of Laser sailors celebrated the Sailstice by venturing into full-on nuking summer pressure on Southhampton Shoal.
On Memorial Day weekend, singlehander Graeme Lowe decided to attempt a “crazy but incredible” race against time. The skipper of the Berkeley-berthed Baltic 38 Merope had been planning a solo passage to Drake’s Bay over late May's holiday weekend,
Locally built brigantine Matthew Turner provided a picturesque spectacle last weekend as she sailed through some of her final system checks and drills.
A Question for the Nation
“Attached is a photo taken from the El Cerrito hills, on the Bay, in the late afternoon of May 24 — I’ve seen this phenomenon many times but this is the first time I documented it,” wrote Larry Radcliffe.
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This week, get your saltwater fix with Passage Nautical's new listings, a 2008 Beneteau 46 and 2007 Beneteau 49 Anna.
Schedule Adjustments
We'll lead off with some good news: "A muffled cheer may be heard around the docks. The Coast Guard has resumed permitting of racing on the Bay…"
Global Celebration of Sailing
Summer Sailstice was founded to get more people sailing and to connect sailors to start their summer of sailing 'together' on the solstice
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