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Waterfront Politics
On Wednesday, a bill recommending targeted reforms to the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, or BCDC, will be up for discussion in Sacramento.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 30 years. “I have never seen the teak look so good."
The board of the Singlehanded Sailing Society had been hard at work right up until Friday to make the Singlehanded Farallones Race happen. They'd had it on the schedule for this coming Saturday, May 16.
Rules of the Road
The Coast Guard recently cited the skipper of a 25-ft sailboat for "negligent operations" after they crossed in front of the bow of a 550-foot tank ship while transiting a narrow channel near Stockton.
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Mazatlan Marine has four locations throughout Mexico to serve you: La Paz, Mazatlán, San Carlos and Puerto Vallarta. Come on down and find your dream boat!
During the coronavirus pandemic, borders around the world have been shut to cruising yachts with precious few exceptions. One recent deviation from this rule, however, was that of 59-year-old Singaporean solo sailor Wong Tetchoong.
The Book That Got me Hooked on Cook
Captain James Cook’s exploration of Aotearoa, or New Zealand, might be most significant for what wasn’t found: the fabled Great Southern Continent.
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Denison Yachting kicks off a four-day virtual boat show today, May 8, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Experience the boat show features you love.
Have you seen this headline or opening sentence in a story lately?  "Canceled." In the spirit of our newfound 'cancellation beat', you might be asking, "What about the America's Cup?"
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Satellite phones provide voice, SMS and data services anywhere on the Earth and you don't have to rely on cell phone networks.
"Good news — our trailer was found! The community came together strong to put pressure on the thieves, as it looks like they hastily dumped our goods."
"I regret to report that early [Friday] morning a thief drove into the Richmond Yacht Club storage yard and stole the equipment trailer for our J/125 Velvet Hammer," reports Will Paxton.
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Limited time offer. Half off haulout with the purchase of bottom painting package. Schedule your haulout between now and May 15.
We recently told you about New Zealand’s friendly divers who pop up from time to time to check on the status of your boat’s bottom.
SailGP has suspended racing for the remainder of 2020. The league will reschedule Season 2 events for 2021. Two of the impacted events already have new dates for 2021: San Francisco on April 17-18 and…
Since sometime way back in 1977, Latitude 38 has never missed publishing a monthly issue. We might be living in strange times, but the times are not strange enough to make us miss an issue now!
Our Shelter-in-Place (*SIP) Special was a great success. Even though that offer has expired, you can still get Latitude 38 mailed to your home.
"When you live in Sacramento like I do and miss sailing on San Francisco Bay with your buddies (like I do), what else was I supposed to do? I dug deep into my gear box…"
It’s the original longboard, a Southern California surfing machine that is capable of sustained 15-knot downwind speeds.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 30 years. “I have never seen the teak look so good."
Today, New Zealand went from its “Level 4” lockdown — the highest, most strict tier — down to “Level 3.” More businesses will be allowed to open, and more activities will be allowed.
Pandemic Adjustments
"There are two ways to say this: R2AK and SEVENTY48 are canceled in 2020. R2AK and SEVENTY 2020 aren’t canceled, but you can’t cross the starting line until 2021."
Resourceful Sailor Series
We’ve heard the mantra before, “Chafe is your enemy.” I thought this upon noticing the tow bridle for a friend’s inflatable dinghy was rubbing at its attachment points.
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Passage Nautical offers live boating webinars, walk-through videos and podcasts. If you are in the market for a boat, the team at Passage Nautical can help you find it.
National Weather Service
"In a move that could simplify and potentially reduce misunderstanding of urgent weather messages used by recreational boaters to make critical boating safety decisions, the National Weather Service (NWS) has proposed renaming 'Small Craft Advisory to 'Small Craft Warning'."
Wilbur Spaul achieved a significant milestone in his bid to sail the smallest boat to Hawaii: In February, he chainsawed the 8-ft Chubby Girl into pieces and tossed them into a dumpster.
Fortunately, there are many other great spots to anchor or moor a cruising yacht while sailing in the oft-misunderstood cruising ground that makes up the Hawaiian Islands.
This coming Sunday, April 26, was to have been Opening Day on the Bay. Amazingly, the parade is on — but not in the usual fashion. Instead, PICYA invites sailors to enter model boats in a virtual parade.
We asked Randall Reeves if he was going to write a book about the Figure 8 Voyage — or voyages. Reeves had been writing a blog since long before he departed on his singlehanded, round-the-bottom- and-top-of-the-world-in-one-season trips.
DIY Boat Projects
During the Saturday of February's Corinthian Yacht Club Midwinters race, Raccoon was hit hard, breaking the hull and deck joint and severely fracturing the hull.
Inland Cruising Rally
By the time you read this, we will have opened registration for Delta Doo Dah Dozen. We're hopeful that the sailors who sign up for this inland rally will actually be able to cast off their docklines and cruise the Delta.
We're shining our Latitude 38 spotlight on local sailing instructors, the on-the-water community of folks who introduce newcomers to our lifetime sport. Trevor Steel is the head of instruction at Berkeley's Olympic Circle Sailing Center (OCSC).
On Friday, the Coast Guard came to the aid of an overturned kayak in Bay Area waters. The kayaker was rescued off the beach town of Pacifica, just south of San Francisco.
SIP with Latitude 38
Now offering a Shelter-in-Place special. Three months is just a ‘sip’ of Latitude 38. You can read Latitude 38 at home. The last day to sign up is April 24.