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We wanted to say one last word about the 26th Baja Ha-Ha, and to share a few unpublished photos and anecdotes.
The maxi-trimaran Spindrift 2 is less than 24 hours into its fourth attempt at tackling the Trophée Jules Verne record for the fastest boat to sail around the globe. It's a lofty record that now stands at an incredible…
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Brand new docks in Marina del Rey at Wayfarer Marina.
High School Sailing
Could anyone blame me for being so excited over a fast, new, two-person dinghy with an asymmetrical spinnaker and an open back? This excitement only built when…
Visit the Latitude 38 online store for great holiday gift ideas for sailors.
Happy holidays, Latitude Nation. And for all of you on the West Coast, the current deluge of rain marks the unofficial but totally welcome end of fire and power-outage season.
Behind the racing, cruising and recreational aspects of sailing that dominate the pages of Latitude 38 lies a robust marine industry that is often in search of new recruits.
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Lighted Yacht Parade, December 7, 2019, on the Oakland/Alameda Estuary, starting at 5:30 p.m.
A team of young people from San Francisco and Annapolis YCs and a team from Cal Maritime Academy dominated the competition. The two were tied on points…
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The number one app for getting rid of number two.
After our long-overdue first seasonal rain, our boats have finally had a Mother Nature provided rinse to get them ready for a Thanksgiving sail.
Here’s a dispatch from sailor-turned-ocean-rower Lia Ditton‘s human-powered trek from Washington state. She rowed more than 700 nautical miles in 24 days, down the Oregon and California coasts to the Bay Area.
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A gift to thrill any sailor or traveler. A life-changing sailing adventure.
On the evening of July 19, around 2145 hours, a resident of Coast Guard Station Rio Vista housing, along the Sacramento River, was lying in bed and heard cries for help.
On the slopes, Santa arrives on skis. So it's fitting that at the shore, Santa arrives by water. Lighted boat parades proliferate in December. We keep collecting more events to add to the list.
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The number one app for getting rid of number two.
Stacy the bow gal on the Express 37 'Bullet' wrangles the spinnaker at the very-light-air downwind start of Golden Gate Yacht Club's Seaweed Soup Midwinters. We'll cover that and much more in the December issue of Latitude 38, coming out on Monday, December 2.
How does the saying go? “The best days of a boatowner’s life are the day you buy the boat, and the day you sell it.”
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Westwind Washing, Waxing, Varnishing. Serving the Bay Area for more than 25 years.
Are you a sailor and still in grade school or high school? Do you get back to the dock and all you can do is talk about what happened out there?
Racing Preview
Regular readers of 'Lectronic may notice that our racing preview for December is a bit shorter than other months, but we do have a few events to share.
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Lighted Yacht Parade, December 7, 2019, on the Oakland/Alameda Estuary, starting at 5:30 p.m.
"It should take us 16 and a half days of sailing to get to Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a great pleasure for me to set off on this adventure towards places our Western racing boats rarely go."
Do It Yourself
If you pride yourself on doing much of your own boat maintenance, you probably spend more hours than you’d like to with your head and shoulders squashed into narrow lockers and bilge compartments.
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Oceanic Yacht Sales has an opening for an experienced sail/powerboat salesman.
If you live in the Bay Area, it can feel as if people forget there’s a Bay in the middle of it.
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Lighted Yacht Parade, December 7, 2019, on the Oakland/Alameda Estuary, starting at 5:30 p.m.
If you’ve been looking out across San Francisco Bay recently, you may have noticed a large tall ship gliding gracefully across the water.
It's no surprise that Bob Hinden has again entered Surprise in the Pacific Cup. "I will be navigator, and it will be my sixth Hawaii race," says Bob's daughter Rebecca.
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ASA 101/103 Combination Course: Basic Keelboat Sailing and Basic Coastal Cruising at Modern Sailing School & Club.
In modern times it’s extremely rare for human travelers to stow away aboard sailboats. But over the years we’ve reported on all shorts of freeloading creatures found aboard cruising boats.
Reader Brett Langolf sent us this message — and link — a few weeks ago.
“Woke up this morning to find that the Cabo airport was closed last night at about 6 p.m.,
Marine Businesses
Tomorrow, Alameda’s City Council will consider giving the developer of Alameda Marina an extension for the terms of its lease with several businesses.
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Let's give thanks for these wintertime savings.
Photos of the Day
Last week, reader Vikas Kapur sent us photos from a foggy day of sailing on San Francisco Bay. Vikas titled his emailed photo essay "painted ships on painted seas." He called it "thick fog but have seen worse."
Yesterday on Scuttlebutt, Craig Leweck expressed his reservations about reporting on the America’s Cup.
It’s amazing how fast the Baja Ha-Ha comes and goes every year. One of the largest cruisers’ rallies in the world is heading toward its inevitable and famously boisterous conclusion at the pointy end of Baja California.
Yesterday, the Coast Guard towed a singlehander into port in Southern California after a five-month crossing from Japan in a homemade vessel.
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Brand new docks in Marina del Rey at Wayfarer Marina.
Bay Area Boats
Tucked into the bitter end of the San Rafael Canal is what we can only call an unexpected vessel — a pirate-y looking tall ship that’s a tad out of place against the back alley of the busy Montecito Plaza.
Although it's looking like a fabulous weekend to go sailing at latitude 38° N, we've got a couple of indoors events you might like to attend.
Last call for Classy Classifieds. To get your ad into the December issue, the deadline is today, the 15th, at 5 p.m.
Shootin' the Breeze
Hitching Another Ride Back Across the Atlantic
Worlds are colliding. In her search for low-carbon transportation, climate activist Greta Thunberg is hitching a ride on another sailboat — this time with well-known sailors.
The World Famous L38
Here’s your November Caption Contest(!) This photo was brought to us by Mark Bettis.
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Oceanic Yacht Sales has an opening for an experienced sail/powerboat salesman.
Sailing for a Good Cause
The Tom Perkins Challenge was sailed in the club's J/22 fleet on the Cityfront on the Saturday, October 19. StFYC hosts the Challenge each year.
Nominations for US Sailing's 2019 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year awards are open to the public. Fans can nominate the sailors they believe turned in the most outstanding performances this year.
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The number one app for getting rid of number two.
Cruiser's Rally
We just — and we mean just — got a call from the Grand Poobah in Bahía Santa Maria giving us a little Baja Ha-Ha update.
A Question for the Nation
On Friday, Mitchell Andrus asked Latitude Nation what forecasting tools they used to plan a coastal cruise.
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Westwind Washing, Waxing, Varnishing. Serving the Bay Area for more than 25 years.
Atlantic Racing Update
For British skipper Alex Thomson, the Transat Jacques Vabre again lived up to its reputation as a boat-breaker, though one that will allow him and his Hugo Boss team to come back stronger for the Vendée Globe.
Are you Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race-curious? Or just interested in sailing your boat to Hawaii?
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