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San Francisco's ocean breeze air conditioning system turned on, complete with the return of Karl the Fog and wind gusts of up to 30 knots. On Saturday, the heavy weather precipitated a gravity storm…
It could be you. We’re now up to entry 148, and with the addition of the Hunter Passage 42 Dakota, have two more boys, 11 and 7, in the fleet. 
Shootin' the Breeze
Here are a few happenings — ranging from the newsy to the slightly ancient — from around the Latitude Nation: Labor Day Sub Sighting Sinking In .
Josh and Christina are OK! Along with the usual conversations and questions at our Crew List Party on September 11 came an unusual one from a number of people: “How are Josh and Christina on Tish?”
A light morning breeze from the east presaged a postponement, but the race committee sent the boats out on time so that they would be ready as soon as a proper San Francisco summer westerly appeared.
The World Famous L38
Here’s your September Caption Contest(!). Please be sure to check the October issue’s Loose Lips for the winner.
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Brand new docks in Marina del Rey at Wayfarer Marina.
Round the World Race
The 70-ft monohulls handled conditions from a tough beat upwind to surfing downwind during an ocean-sprint thrill-ride on an exhilarating sea swell of over 13 feet.
A Question for the Nation
All signs were pointing to a windy day. It was Friday, August, 23, and the fog in Marin gushed over the foothills of Mount Tam, the trees shook furiously, and the air was chilly and bit at the skin. 
On Saturday, hundreds of people welcomed Jeanne Socrates and Nereida as she coasted across the finish line into Victoria, British Columbia, to become the oldest person to sail alone, nonstop and unassisted around the world.
Nation — As always, Latitude’s newest (and managing-est) editor will be wearing his blue and gold Latitude long sleeve T-shirt — with the number 38 on the back — on Wednesday at the Crew List Party at the Bay Model in Sausalito.
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Save the date: October 4-6, for the Northern California Yacht Fest at Marina Village Yacht Harbor.
“Checking Weather to see if Friday afternoon is possible,” Jeanne Socrates wrote on her blog about the possible finish to her now 338-day circumnavigation.
Thirty-four people are presumed dead after a fire broke out on the 75-ft diving vessel Conception on Monday off the Channel Islands.
The water was wonderful for swimming. We did a lot of otter and bird watching, along with star viewing. It was great to see big fish jumping at sunset, not to mention the swallows doing their bug-catching thing.
We tried several different methods of approaching the crewmember in the water, either by motor or with sails. All three methods were successful, recovering the overboard crew…
Hot Off the Presses
Is it September already? Well, no, not till Sunday, but guess what? The new issue of Latitude 38 is out today, and, spoiler alert, it’s one of our favorite issues ever.
The 2019 TP52 World Championships have come to a thrilling conclusion in Puerto Portals, Spain, with Harm Müller-Spreer’s German-flagged Platoon team just managing to squeak out a two-point victory after nine races.
Maiden Sails Out the Gate for L.A. A crowd of well-wishers gathered this morning to wish farewell to Maiden and her crew as they departed for the next leg of their world tour.
With a long weekend of pleasant sailing weather ahead, you might be wondering where, exactly, you should sail.
If you've sailed San Francisco Bay this past week or perhaps driven Hwy. 101 northbound over the Golden Gate Bridge, you couldn't help but notice a very large motor yacht anchored off Sausalito.
Beyond preparing your boat for ocean voyaging, tying up the loose ends of your shoreside life, finding the right weather window and showing up in San Diego on time for the start, one of the main hurdles of doing the Baja Ha-Ha seems to bureaucratic in nature: getting your Temporary Import Permit, or TIP.
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Save the date: October 4-6, for the Northern California Yacht Fest at Marina Village Yacht Harbor.
While not massive in size, Hurricane Dorian could cause havoc to the Spanish Virgin Islands and the eastern end of Puerto Rico, which is still recovering from 2017’s Hurricane Maria.
As usual, this is just a small sampling of the numerous regattas and races available in California in the coming month. Each year it seems the list of events grows longer.
There is no denying that the seasons, they are a-changin’. The kids are back in school, there were Halloween costumes for sale at Costco, and Corinthian Yacht Club’s beer can series came to a conclusion under dramatic skies.
The San Francisco Sea Scouts invite all Bay Area 13- to 15-year-olds and their families to a day of sailing, rowing, free food and knot tying. They're holding an open house on August 31.
Last May, Latitude 38’s Racing Editor Christine Weaver caught up for a chat with Sausalito sailing legend Mary Gidley and her son Memo aboard their Elliott 1050, Basic Instinct.
Way back in 2005 over a few craft beers too many, a fellow by the name of Ken Crawford announced to his Lake Washington Sailing Club cronies, “Why don’t we run a pursuit race all the way up that b*t%# of a ditch from Rio Vista to the club?"
West Coast Circumnavigators
We are a little reluctant to say that any sailor  is in the homestretch — especially a circumnavigator who has been sailing around the world for going on a year now.