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Both French teams — top-ranked Women’s Division skipper Pauline Courtois and Open Division skipper Maxime Mesnil — and defending Nations Cup Women’s champion Nicole Breault scored all picket fences on the first day of racing on Wednesday at the 2019 World Sailing Nations Cup.
Buy or Sell Marine Gear
Nautical Swap Meet at Owl Harbor on May 4 from 8 a.m. to noon. Free space and free entry.
Cruiser's Rally
If you'll be cruising south this fall, and intending to do the Baja Ha-Ha, the Grand Poobah highly recommends that you mark noon on May 8 on your calendar. For that's the moment entries will first be accepted for the event, and berth space in Cabo San Lucas is based on how early a boat was signed up.
Readers — On Monday, we brought you a little tale from Latitude founder Richard Spindler’s Facebook page, where a certain salt-shaker-searching singer paid him a visit, and brought some good dope (which is to say, some interesting gossip about a storied boat, Escapade, and how she’s being rebuilt).
Those of you who read Racing Sheet in Latitude 38 are no doubt familiar with the odds and ends that populate Race Notes. This is an online version — tidbits culled by our racing editor during last week's Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show.
Last Friday, we asked you if you knew in what TV show the painting Mouth of the Delaware by Thomas Birch made an appearance.
When Jimmy Buffett was on my cat 'ti Profligate' yesterday in St. Barth and told me that the great Rhodes 73-ft centerboard yawl 'Escapade', a Caribbean legend from the 80s and 90s, was being completely rebuilt, I was pretty sure that he was mistaken. After all, when I'd seen her years ago, she seemed to be a lost cause in the KKMI yard in Richmond.
I am on the ground floor of launching a radio program covering the sport of sailing. We have some pros, some classics and some local coverage. We have about 22 minutes within a two-hour sports program.
Shootin' the Breeze
As spring arrives and America’s favorite pastime is in full swing (pun intended), the Bay Area is preparing for the arrival of the foiling cats — and we don’t mean some mischievous felines that are playing with a roll of aluminum foil.
“People who do not know that a sailboat is a living creature will never understand anything about boats and the sea.”  
Monday's 'Lectronic Latitude rolled out the beer can season, which ramps up in a big way this month. Sometime back in medieval times, Latitude 38's late great racing editor, Rob Moore, penned the Ten Commandments of Beer Can Racing. They bear repeating every few years.
Cruiser's Rally
Meet ‘Baja Mitch’ at the Latitude Booth at This Week’s Boat Show Mitch Perkins, who is the advertising manager at Latitude 38, which is title sponsor of the Baja Ha-Ha, will be on ‘Ha-Ha watch’ at the Latitude booth of the Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show Thursday through Saturday from 3 to 5 p.m.
Will there be a new age of sail? In the April issue of Latitude 38, we take a look at the modest but promising proliferation of wind-assisted commercial ships around the world. This
Inland Cruising Rally
This is the year that Delta Doo Dah "turns it up to 11," and you could be part of it. We opened registration for the loose-knit cruising rally yesterday.
Because of continued ensnarement in environmental litigation, skyrocketing costs of waterfront real estate, and dogged declining participation in both the sport and lifestyle of sailing, a group of lawmakers has quietly been discussing an outright ban on recreational boating in San Francisco Bay.
If you're new to racing, beer cans are a great place to start. Pick a series that's convenient geographically, but also consider the race's culture. Some are more competitive than others; some have series scoring; some have daily prizes; some have overall awards.
Another Bay Area Boat Rounds the Horn Just over a week after Randall Reeves completed his carousel circuit of the Southern Ocean and made his second rounding of Cape Horn, another Bay Area boat was on his heels.
Latitude Nation — As you may or may not know, the Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show is coming next week, April 4 to 7, at the Craneway Pavilion and Marina Bay Yacht Harbor in Richmond.
Regattas Galore
April Showers Us with Regattas: All of a sudden our race calendar has gotten quite full.
"We were nervous going into the second day. When we saw the forecast, we were super-excited.” The forecast called for a 15- to 20-knot westerly — classic Bay racing conditions.
Let's Have a Discussion
About 10 years, ago we hosted a group of six folks for a charter aboard ‘ti Profligate in the Caribbean.
US Sailing
The pressure to climb the pyramid, at the expense of long-term participation and well-rounded skill development, has parents, instructors and program leaders looking to US Sailing for guidance and a different approach. They've seen too many kids drop out.
A steampunk sailing adventure to celebrate the last weekend of winter, and the first really nice weekend for months.
On Monday’s we like to surf the www-dots to see what kind of sailing news percolated over the weekend.
Round the World Race
Since it began last July, we’ve been calling the 50th anniversary of the Golden Globe Race the most grueling ocean racing event in recent memory.
Offshore Yacht Racing
Of the 31 boats entered, 24 completed the 800-mile race. The Swan 60 Good Call! made a good call to hunt for some breeze offshore. The move paid off.
We got the following email from Randall Reeves not long after we posted ‘Lectronic on Wednesday:  Well, Mo is around and has passed for the second time this passage under Cape Horn, thus completing her circuit of the Southern Ocean via the Capes, non-stop and solo.
You saw it here first. Jim DeWitt painted this original watercolor, titled Kids at Play, specifically for the cover of our April issue. You could take home the framed painting. We'll conduct a raffle, with the proceeds benefitting Bay Area youth sailing programs.