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This month’s Caption Contest(!) is a real doozy. Last summer on the Chesapeake, these two boats got all up close and personal.
Nothing brings me greater pleasure than tying off the tiller during a singlehanded sail, sitting back, and watching the boat work.
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Picking up from Part 1 on Friday. After one of their Pearson 26s went missing (along with the skipper), the staff at Club Nautique eventually found the boat hard aground at Baker Beach, just outside the Golden Gate.
What a difference a Bay makes. This past weekend we joined our friends, Randy and Jennifer Gridley, for a weekend ‘sail’ up to Drake’s Bay aboard their Sabre 38 Aegea.
Sailors, don’t forget that on Sunday, October 21, the Corinthian Yacht Club will be hosting the 13th Annual Leukemia Cup Regatta.
A 17-year-old girl kiteboarder from the Bay Area is up against an international field that includes winners of around-the-world races.
These days online app stores seem to be overflowing with games that encourage players to while away endless hours chasing bad guys and acquiring digital treasure.
The following is Part 1 of a real-life story submitted by longtime reader Charles Thrasher.
Hurricane Michael has gradually ramped up in strength to a Category 4 storm over the last few days, as it ascended the Gulf of Mexico and veered toward Florida’s Panhandle.
On July 10, Morning Star prepares to anchor in Hanalei Bay.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race rookie Lee Johnson sailed a Valiant 32, Morning Star, in the race from Tiburon to Hanalei, Kauai, in July, and he departed from Nawiliwili Harbor, bound for San Francisco, on July 20, rather later than his fellow Transbackers.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race rookie Lee Johnson sailed a Valiant 32, Morning Star, in the race from Tiburon to Hanalei, Kauai, in July, and he departed from Nawiliwili Harbor, bound for San Francisco, on July 20, rather later than his fellow Transbackers.
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© Chandlery Yacht Sales
These days, everything seems to be droning on. What with your self-driving cars, boats, and not far on the horizon .
A perfectly symmetrical, swooping trail of smoke hung over Angel Island and Tiburon on Sunday, and, driving across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, it took us a moment to figure out what was going on.
The Golden Rule, a storied sailboat with a long history of antiwar protesting, is preparing for an epic and historic voyage around the Pacific.
El Toro Juniors and Seniors finish the last race of the Stampede at the mouth of the RYC turning basin.
Surprise. After the 2013 America’s Cup on San Francisco Bay and local disappointment over moving the 2017 Cup to Bermuda, it felt like we’d never see Larry Ellison, Russell Coutts and their foiling spectacle on the Bay again.
Nothing to report here, except that Baja Ha-Ha and Mexico cruising veterans Carole and Pat McIntosh headed out to visit the famed sailing site and found it glassy calm.
Sailing in his first Singlehanded Transpacific Yacht Race this summer, Greg Ashby was faced with the dilemma of what to do with his boat once he finished.
We got the following message from National Park officials at Aquatic Park:
Aquatic Park Cove anchor permits for Fleet Week are sold out.
Many RVers proudly adorn their rigs with stickers from all the states they’ve visited.
Another West Coast circumnavigating attempt is about to leave the dock. Just a few minutes ago, long-time Latitude favorite Jeanne Socrates wrote: "Off and away now; no more FB until next May! Bye!"
Course changes? Over the years, yes, all of our courses have changed a bit.
The way forward. Will one of these graduates of Island YC’s Women’s Sailing Seminar compete in any of the women’s races coming up this month and next?
The leaves in New England were just starting to change as of about two weeks ago.
And he’s off . . . again. Yesterday, Randall Reeves set sail (or motor) on his 41-ft aluminum sloop Moli for his second attempt at the Figure 8 Voyage.
The frost may not be on the pumpkin here in the Bay Area, but the October Latitudes are.
San Francisco Fleet Week officially begins today, and the Coast Guard has been tasked with keeping everyone safe.
A second press release from the Coasties was waiting in our inbox when we logged in this morning, this one an alert for mariners in Southern California.
As was noted in Friday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude, the Grand Poobah of the Baja Ha-Ha strongly urged people not to buy boats that have current Temporary Import Permits (TIPs) for Mexico, and/or didn’t properly clear out of Mexico.
As we know, beyond exceptional success with Oracle, Larry Ellison has also conquered many aspects of sailing since he started in a Lido 14 at Cal Sailing Club in Berkeley in the 1970s.
Once again the Grand Poobah of the Baja Ha-Ha is strongly urging people not to buy boats that have current Temporary Import Permits (TIPs) for Mexico, and/or didn’t properly clear out of Mexico.
Last week, I went for a surf in one of my favorite (and unlikely) spots in the world: York, Maine.
Surf into Summer, not lookin’ good.
Back in the spring of 2017, Lewis Bennett and Isabella Hellman, both in their early 40s, were supposed to be enjoying a belated Caribbean honeymoon aboard the 37-ft catamaran Surf into Summer.
Not one but two Finn regattas were held in San Diego over the last few weeks.
In mid-August, the Coast Guard started seeking information about Gerald "Storm" Talifero and his son Adagio.
Today and tomorrow, part of Aquatic Park will be closed to marine traffic while an "assessment of the vessel mooring system is performed," park officials said.
As we reported on Friday, a severe Southern Ocean storm, with winds to 70 knots and seas to 49 feet, resulted in the rolling and dismasting of two solo sailors competing in the old-school-style Golden Globe Race.
Two sailors were airlifted by the Coast Guard off their 37-ft sailboat yesterday almost 80 miles southwest of Half Moon Bay.
Richardson Bay has long been a crossroads for all kinds of sailors. This week Clan VIII has joined other Richardson Bay anchor-outs while passin’ through on her way south.
As readers of ‘Lectronic likely know, some Latitude staff have ties to the East Coast.
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