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Surf into Summer, not lookin’ good.© USCG
Back in the spring of 2017, Lewis Bennett and Isabella Hellman, both in their early 40s, were supposed to be enjoying a belated Caribbean honeymoon aboard the 37-ft catamaran Surf into Summer.
Not one but two Finn regattas were held in San Diego over the last few weeks.
In mid-August, the Coast Guard started seeking information about Gerald "Storm" Talifero and his son Adagio.
Today and tomorrow, part of Aquatic Park will be closed to marine traffic while an "assessment of the vessel mooring system is performed," park officials said.
As we reported on Friday, a severe Southern Ocean storm, with winds to 70 knots and seas to 49 feet, resulted in the rolling and dismasting of two solo sailors competing in the old-school-style Golden Globe Race.
Two sailors were airlifted by the Coast Guard off their 37-ft sailboat yesterday almost 80 miles southwest of Half Moon Bay.
Richardson Bay has long been a crossroads for all kinds of sailors. This week Clan VIII has joined other Richardson Bay anchor-outs while passin’ through on her way south.
As readers of ‘Lectronic likely know, some Latitude staff have ties to the East Coast.
This story was updated at 3:27 p.m. on Friday afternoon.
During his second solo circumnavigation, Abhilash Tomy, 39, is in trouble.
Randall Reeves sailing solo aboard his 41-ft aluminum sloop Moli. Randall and Moli are preparing to depart on a second attempt at the Figure 8 Voyage at the end of this month.
After a few years away, we returned to one of our old haunts for a quick visit.
When it comes to money, there are two types of cruisers: those who have enough that they no longer need to work — and those who don’t.
Hikianalia spent Friday night in Horseshoe Cove before sailing to San Francisco on Saturday.
Cal 40s are great boats, and we’re happy to bring you the news that another one is being revived and returned to racing.
This coming Saturday, Stockton Sailing Club will host the second annual Sail to Recovery, Take a Veteran Sailing day.
We already knew that sailing would not be included in the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
Having rounded the Point Diablo mark west of the Golden Gate Bridge, 28 J/105s (and a few others) sail toward the final finish of Rolex Big Boat Series on Sunday.
By now you’ve doubtless seen the stats on Florence. Since coming ashore in the Carolinas early Friday as a Category 1 hurricane, the storm has left 17 dead, almost a million evacuees still unable to return home, extensive flooding, major highways shut down, 700,000 homes and businesses without power — and it hasn’t stopped yet.
It’s been a long time coming but now the time is near. John and Diane Dinwiddie have been dreaming of the day when they would head out the Gate and turn south.
Readers, we thought we’d take a quick look back at some West Coast scenery.
Viggo Torbensen’s SoCal-based Timeshaver, seen here coming into the finish of Race 2, is one of three J/125s racing in ORR B at Rolex Big Boat Series.
Making landfall when cruising is usually cause for celebration, but on the East Coast and in the Philippines, hurricane and typhoon landfalls are looking lethal.
Due to several requests, the Grand Poobah has decided to extend the deadline for entering the 25th Annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas.
Two beauties with West Coast owners, Eros and Dorade, have been competing in the summer series classic yacht regattas that dot the coast from Maine to the Chesapeake Bay.
After a quiet start, the 2018 hurricane season is churning out a few nasty storms.
Racing in the Rolex Big Boat Series begins tomorrow, and scores of volunteers will labor to make the 77-boat four-day regatta a success.
James Dilworth, owner of the local, creatively-painted Santana 22 Pip, headed to San Diego last weekend to join the Beneteau Cup.
The Ocean Cleanup’s System 001 left San Francisco Bay on Saturday.
© John D.
There’s always some uncertainty in the science behind hurricane predictions, as the speed, course and strength of big, complex storms can vary from early forecasts.
On Friday, we asked our readers to send us photos and words if they happened to find themselves at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend.
There are a lot of good reasons to head out sailing on the Bay or to sail out the Golden Gate to Mexico.
If you’re a sailor in the Pacific Northwest, then be sure to check out the Wooden Boat Festival starting today and running through Sunday at the Northwest Maritime Center.
Late one Friday, we poured ourselves a cold beverage and got cozy with the laptop for the new episode of Delos.
Is September too early to nail down next year’s Northern California racing schedule?
Deadlines: over. Weekend: three-day. Weather: Typical; foggy, overcast, and windy. Welcome to the last hurrah of summer.
Latitude 38’s totally live sailing app is hacking the digital world tonight only with our Fall Crew List Party to bring together people who want to sail with people who have sailboats.
The C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta is accepting applications for the 2018 Clagett Boat Grant Program through the end of September.
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