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Having rounded the Point Diablo mark west of the Golden Gate Bridge, 28 J/105s (and a few others) sail toward the final finish of Rolex Big Boat Series on Sunday.latitude/Chris
By now you’ve doubtless seen the stats on Florence. Since coming ashore in the Carolinas early Friday as a Category 1 hurricane, the storm has left 17 dead, almost a million evacuees still unable to return home, extensive flooding, major highways shut down, 700,000 homes and businesses without power — and it hasn’t stopped yet.
It’s been a long time coming but now the time is near. John and Diane Dinwiddie have been dreaming of the day when they would head out the Gate and turn south.
Readers, we thought we’d take a quick look back at some West Coast scenery.
Viggo Torbensen’s SoCal-based Timeshaver, seen here coming into the finish of Race 2, is one of three J/125s racing in ORR B at Rolex Big Boat Series.
Making landfall when cruising is usually cause for celebration, but on the East Coast and in the Philippines, hurricane and typhoon landfalls are looking lethal.
Due to several requests, the Grand Poobah has decided to extend the deadline for entering the 25th Annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas.
Two beauties with West Coast owners, Eros and Dorade, have been competing in the summer series classic yacht regattas that dot the coast from Maine to the Chesapeake Bay.
After a quiet start, the 2018 hurricane season is churning out a few nasty storms.
Racing in the Rolex Big Boat Series begins tomorrow, and scores of volunteers will labor to make the 77-boat four-day regatta a success.
James Dilworth, owner of the local, creatively-painted Santana 22 Pip, headed to San Diego last weekend to join the Beneteau Cup.
The Ocean Cleanup’s System 001 left San Francisco Bay on Saturday.
© John D.
There’s always some uncertainty in the science behind hurricane predictions, as the speed, course and strength of big, complex storms can vary from early forecasts.
On Friday, we asked our readers to send us photos and words if they happened to find themselves at the Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend.
There are a lot of good reasons to head out sailing on the Bay or to sail out the Golden Gate to Mexico.
If you’re a sailor in the Pacific Northwest, then be sure to check out the Wooden Boat Festival starting today and running through Sunday at the Northwest Maritime Center.
Late one Friday, we poured ourselves a cold beverage and got cozy with the laptop for the new episode of Delos.
Is September too early to nail down next year’s Northern California racing schedule?
Deadlines: over. Weekend: three-day. Weather: Typical; foggy, overcast, and windy. Welcome to the last hurrah of summer.
Latitude 38’s totally live sailing app is hacking the digital world tonight only with our Fall Crew List Party to bring together people who want to sail with people who have sailboats.
The C. Thomas Clagett, Jr. Memorial Clinic and Regatta is accepting applications for the 2018 Clagett Boat Grant Program through the end of September.
The Yacht Racing Association of San Francisco Bay maintains a number of racing marks on the Bay.
Ready to unplug for the weekend? The new Latitude 38 is out just in time for a weekend digital detox and a sunny holiday weekend of sailing.
Know any good sail-in music venues? We’ve been a little hesitant to try sailing into the slips at Terrapin Crossroads near the head of the San Rafael Creek, but what we presume is an Express 34 seemed to fit in just in fine.
"I just have to say I’m sorry. My participation in the Golden Globe Race has suddenly come to an end," wrote Norwegian skipper Are Wiig following a capsize and dismasting on Monday, according to a Golden Globe press release.
The Safe Boating Campaign sent us the following important safety tips to share with our readers for a successful Labor Day Weekend on the water:
Take a boating safety course.
The most photographed boat at the recently completed International 14 Worlds was not the winning skiff, nor one of the many that capsized.
This is the time of year when the Bay Area gets visited by many sailors heading north to south.
The new, crew friendly, offshore-capable J-99 will be open for tours at the Marina Village docks.
The Hawaiian Islands were spared a direct hit from Hurricane Lane — which at one point was a Category 5 event before it weakened to a tropical storm and veered southwest, brushing against the archipelago.
The big-name, big-boat regattas this weekend will be the 76th Windjammers (Friday, San Francisco to Santa Cruz Yacht Club) and the 26-mile Jazz Cup (Saturday, Treasure Island to Benicia).
No jib, and they’re downwind, so no need for extreme hiking on this Wylie 33 in the RYC Wednesday night race.
For sailors and residents of Hawaii, the declining wind speeds and projected westerly turn of Hurricane Lane may spell some relief from dire direct-hit warnings, but Lane will still leave scars across the state.
The Coyote Point Yacht Club is hosting an open house tomorrow, Saturday, August 25, from 11 a.m.
World Sailing will award three new honors for 2018. Nominations are now open for Rolex World Sailor of the Year, but also for the following:
The Racing Sailboat of the Year Award for "outstanding boat design, innovative concepts and ground-breaking technological advancements that are changing the face of sailing, pioneering change across the world," will be presented to a boat that has been scored in an international race for the first time between January 1, 2017, and September 1, 2018.
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