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The Santa Cruz 50 Adrenalin and the 1D48 Bodacious+, seen here in the first leg of 2016’s Great Vallejo Race, would be among the boats invited to compete for the YRA’s new Jumbo Cup.latitude/Chris
San Francisco Bay and the Gulf of the Farallones offer spectacular and exciting sailing.
Last week in New York, three sailors were recognized by the Cruising Club of America for their offshore bona fides.
In Monday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude, we showed you pictures of a boat that we saw anchored just outside the channel from San Rafael Creek last weekend.
All kinds of boats produced all kinds of smiles as everyone got a ride at Sail a Small Boat Day — for many it was their first sail ever.
A man identified by the San Francisco Chronicle as Bryan Pennington has anchored his 30-something-ft trimaran at Aquatic Park Cove for over 100 days, overstaying his welcome and triggering action by law enforcement.
One thing experienced cruisers know is that once you reach port your mobility can be limited to walking, public transit or cab services.
We want you to come to our Crew List Party tonight!
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC Golden Gate Yacht Club on the San Francisco Marina has once again offered their beautiful clubhouse for Latitude 38’s Spring Crew List Party, tonight from 6 to 9 p.m.
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC Golden Gate Yacht Club on the San Francisco Marina has once again offered their beautiful clubhouse for Latitude 38’s Spring Crew List Party, tonight from 6 to 9 p.m.
As we were motoring out of the San Rafael Creek yesterday, we noticed a boat — maybe 35- to 40-ft — anchored just outside the channel markers.
Six weeks after crashing into a fishing boat and killing one fisherman in the crowded waters of Hong Kong, the Vestas/11th Hour Racing Volvo 65 is repaired and back in the water. The
Kevin Connolly came to the Bay Area in 1978 and is a seasoned sailor.
We first met Carter Cassel — the skipper of San Francisco’s National Historic Landmark ship Alma — at Summer Sailstice last June.
Actually, since they’re sailing their Atlantic 57 Nogal, you won’t likely catch them. Since they left the Bay Area in spring 2016, Frank, Marilia, Julia and Sophia have sailed thousands of miles across the Pacific, had first-hand lessons on sailing the world’s oceans, kept up with some book learning, and are now are enjoying Southeast Asia.
The only thing good in today’s forecast is the delivery of the March issue of Latitude 38 (and snow in Tahoe).
With spring arriving in the third week of March, Midwinter Series are wrapping up this month.
Latitude Movie Club
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was a good movie, and everything that followed diminished in quality, fun and coherent storytelling, and repeated the same tired, monster-laden formula that was, in our sailorly opinion, the weakest part of the original plot to begin with.
After more than 20 days at sea, Team AkzoNobel sailed into Auckland, New Zealand, just 2 minutes and 14 seconds ahead of race-long rival Sun Hung Kai/ Scallywag to claim victory in Leg 6 of the Volvo Ocean Race.
The cruising division of the San Diego to Puerto Vallarta Race will start tomorrow, with additional starts on Friday and Saturday.
Putter about in a small boat or two or three — or as many as you can squeeze in — this Saturday, March 3, at Richmond Yacht Club’s Sail a Small Boat Day.
A few years ago, we wrote about a judgment-free Facebook group called Women Who Sail.
The weather gods have been kind to San Francisco Bay this winter. Besides a few blustery days and the odd raindrop or two it’s been pretty pleasant sailing all winter when there’s been enough wind to sail.
It’s no surprise. We expected this. They’d been on target right out of the gate.
"I’m feeling lucky that I won a shirt! Headed from Santa Rosa to Aptos we stopped in at St.
Checking out the weekend events in our annual Northern California YRA racing calendar, we that noticed this Sunday has just three events on the schedule and all three are at Berkeley Yacht Club!
Randall Reeves had a bad day — a really bad day. Long story short, he is making his way to Australia for repairs.
It’s been a wild ride this week in the RORC Caribbean 600. Seattle’s Greg Slyngstad was racing his Bieker 53 Fujin in the complex 600-mile tour of 11 islands when his catamaran capsized on Monday night close to Saba Island.
The Ocean Cleanup Project, founded by Boyan Slat in the Netherlands in 2013, started as an idea to remove plastic from the world’s oceans and is now becoming a reality on the shores of Alameda.
Schoolchildren of Zihuatanejo gather on the trampoline of Tony and Clare Piazza’s catamaran Picante.
In the coming weeks, dozens of Pacific Puddle Jump boats will make landfall in the Marquesas.
When you ask sailors how their weekend was, you’re likely to hear some interesting stories.
The Pac52 Gladiator digs in on the approach to a spinnaker set. Bowman Matt Cornwell keeps composure.
“We’ve reached our goal.” That’s what Pat McIntosh wrote to tell us after fundraising efforts in Barra de Navidad were completed in last night’s meeting to match up boats and passengers for the boat parade and sail underway this morning.
A reader sent us a snippet the other day about finding plastic ‘decorations’ on the water.
Most of the people enjoying sailing on the coast of Mexico probably don’t know how nice the sailing has been here over the past several weeks.
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