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On Thursday, January 18 Mark Sanders and Westpoint Harbor once again squared off against the Enforcement Committee of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC).
While the surf was going off at Mavericks, Bay racers were battling another natural nemesis: excess calm.
We’re saddened to report that YachtCruz has likely met a tragic end. The Coast Guard confirmed in a phone call with Latitude yesterday that they’ve identified the remains of Patrick Wolfgang, who was found just offshore and about 10 miles south of Ensenada.
Last week, sailor and ocean rower Lia Ditton posted the following on her website, announcing her intent to continue training to become the first female to row solo across the North Pacific (we featured Ditton in the September issue of Latitude).
Big speeds and lots of water over the deck on Sun Hung Kai/Scallywag today in the VOR during the Melbourne to Hong Kong leg.
For many, the 25th Baja Ha-Ha will start at 48 degrees north. Lani Schroeder, who says he’s been reading Latitude 38 since 1984, wrote in from Shilshole Bay Marina in Seattle to say now it’s his turn to enjoy the Baja Ha-Ha aboard his Endeavour 43 CC ketch Balance.
Not every round-the-world record attempt goes as planned. Earlier in the season we saw François Gabart achieve what many thought to be nearly impossible when he sailed his maxi-trimaran Macif around the world in just 42 days, with an absolute minimum of drama, to record the fastest solo circumnavigation on record and secure — incredibly — the second-fastest lap of the globe ever recorded — solo or fully crewed.
It was a packed house at Spaulding Marine Center last Friday, as droves of movie fans piled under the heat lamps to watch a screening of Captains Courageous, one of our readers’ favorite sailing films.
A sailboat traveling from Cabo San Lucas to San Diego has gone missing, and debris and an EPIRB have been found, according to people familiar with the incident.
The  BCDC’s recent loss of their case against John Sweeney’s Point Buckler Island has only caused them to modify their strategy regarding Westpoint Harbor in Redwood City.
Picking up where we left off on Friday’s ‘Lectronic Latitude post… Corinthian Yacht Club invites racers to sail or drive in to the CYC on the Friday night before the Corinthian Midwinters on January 20-21.
This past Monday we posted a story about Karen Swezey who, after winning a T-shirt from Latitude 38, let us know she’d started her sailing life while young aboard a family Sunfish in the South Bay.
The winter months of January and February are so replete with seminars on virtually all aspects of sailing that we won’t have room to list them all in one post.
As a movie buff who spent endless hours of adolescence watching movies from the ’30s and ’40s on TV channels with high numbers (like 36, 40 and 44), usually worn-out prints badly chopped up by do-it-yourself used-car-dealer ads, this editor can only wonder how she managed to miss seeing Captains Courageous.
The National Sailing Hall of Fame accepts nominations any time, but only those received by midnight (Pacific Time) on March 30 will be considered for this year’s class of Inductees.
A one-hour documentary, called Sense the Wind, which follows the journey of four blind sailors, has been released to the general public.
For the past several months, we’ve tucked a couple of flyers in the magazine before they got distributed about — and some attentive readers have discovered them.
When would you set sail for the South Pacific Islands? If you’re one of the more than 80 boats already signed up for the 2018 Pacific Puddle Jump the answer would be this January to April, meaning there’s a slim chance there will be any close maneuvering on the ‘starting line’ which stretches almost 4,000 miles from Southern California to Panama.
In a decision that could set a powerful precedent for the dispute between Westpoint Harbor and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), a Solano County Superior Court Judge overturned $3.6 million in fines levied by the BCDC and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board against John Sweeney, the owner of a 39-acre island in the Suisun Marsh.
Yesterday in Hawaiian waters, the Coast Guard rescued a strange-looking boat. The Kehaar Darwin — apparently a junk-rigged, homemade vessel that we’re guessing is between 26 and 30 feet — flagged down another boat to ask for assistance.
The 2018 YRA calendar just hit the stands and is filled with almost 1,000 races happening in Northern California, most of them on the weekends.
With the fourth leg starting today, we recap the brutal third leg of the Volvo Ocean Race which drew to a close with all seven teams sailing into Melbourne, Australia over the Christmas holiday.
Happy New Year’s Bay. The year on the Bay looks to be starting much as it ended.