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US Sailing is accepting nominations for 2017 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year through November 30.
This past Friday, Hannah Arndt and Olivia Williams, Bay Area natives and recently graduated vagabonds currently in search of cheap thrills on the island of Oahu, poked their heads around the Hawaii Yacht Club as racers started to prepare for the weekly Beer Can race.
As of last week, there was still no power, no Internet and limited phone service throughout the Caribbean, so accurate reporting of September’s devastating hurricanes — storms that already seem like they hit months ago — remains difficult.
Isla Isabella is a beautiful offshore nature reserve on the way from Cabo or Mazatlan to Banderas Bay and Puerto Vallarta.
Don Jesberg’s Viva takes a wave. Andrea Cabito, Bill Hardesty and Robbie Dean joined Jesberg on the SFYC-based boat, which placed seventh in the Worlds.
After Jim Stitt picked up his monthly issue of Latitude 38 at Grand Marina in Alameda, he realized it was his lucky day.
We presume that if you’re reading this, you’re a sailor. Or at least you’re a sailing fan, groupie, connoisseur, devotee, etc.
These early fall days are perfect for sailing lessons, especially when your school is in the Slot.
It’s only September 29, but we’re getting a jump on October by distributing the October issue of Latitude 38 today.
All you have to do to win in this fleet is get out in front of the other boats and stay there.
Richmond Yacht Club’s super-casual and very popular beer can series faded out on Wednesday night, wrapping up for the season.
There are many reasons to sail. Peace and love are good ones. latitude/John
©Latitude 38 Media, LLC Hey man, is this groovy or what?
Icom makes fine radios. On Profligate, we have an Icom VHF radio. Nice piece of equipment.
Wind is a classic sailing movie, though it was not well received at the box office, and like all art imitating life, it took some liberties with the truth.
There are plenty of boats headed south for cruising season, while others are out just enjoying idyllic, sunny fall breezes. Lone
The forecast for this week’s Etchells World Championship being hosted by the San Francisco Yacht Club on the Berkeley Circle is hot.
While he’s always a gentleman, Fin can nonetheless swing an encouraging sledge hammer when required.
If you’re taking a boat to Mexico, or buying a boat you think you might someday take to Mexico, you must be sure that everything is in order with regard to the Temporary Import Permit (TIP).
If you’re going to have a kick-off party, why not have it on the beach at the Santa Barbara YC, the premier yacht club beach site on the West Coast?
Can you feel it in the air? That undeniable crispness, the bite that comes from a cool, still day, rather than the searing, blasting cold of the summer seabreeze.
Puerto Rico has sustained a ‘direct hit’ by Hurricane Maria, now a Category 4 storm with winds up to 140 mph — and perhaps worse, unrelenting rain inundating the island, which had already sustained damage from Hurricane Irma.
Yumi Wilson was reading through a copy of Latitude 38 when she came across a flyer saying ‘Your Lucky Day’.